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  3. 荷兰17岁公主放弃百万欧年薪 白拿钱不爽 /

荷兰17岁公主放弃百万欧年薪俸 平白拿钱不舒服

The heir to the Dutch throne, Princess Amalia, has decided for the next few years not to accept the allowance—worth some $1.9 million per year—that she is entitled to receive annually once she turns 18 in December. — ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2021

据英国《卫报》报道,现年17岁的荷兰王位继承人阿玛莉亚公主(Princess Amalia)致信荷兰首相马克·吕特,声明放弃18岁之后每年160万欧元(约合人民币1239万元)的薪俸,称平白领取这些钱让她感到“不舒服”。她是首位放弃薪俸的荷兰王室成员。


Princess #Amalia, heir apparent to the Dutch throne, informed prime minister @markrutte of her decision not to accept the ?1,6 million yearly stipend she is entitled to by law when she turns 18 in December, until after she graduates university. She just finished high school. pic.twitter.com/3DSN0sbsij— Jan-Albert Hootsen (@jahootsen) June 11, 2021




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