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  3. 美媒惊曝:“刺杀蓬佩奥,奖金100万” /


根据雅虎新闻、Axios等美国媒体周三(8月10日)报道,美国前国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)是一名伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队成员攻击的第二个目标。此人此前被缺席指控试图组织刺杀美国前国家安全顾问博尔顿(John Bolton)。




据路透社8月10日报道,美国司法部称,45岁的伊朗人Shahram Poursafi,又名Mehdi Rezayi企图暗杀博尔顿,其动机可能是为了报复伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队高级将领苏莱曼尼(Qassem Soleimani)遇袭身亡一事。









此前,雅虎新闻报道称,美国政府认为,伊朗为了报复2020年1月在伊拉克死亡的苏莱曼尼将军,想要暗杀蓬佩奥等现任和前任美国官员。这次打击是时任总统川普(Donald Trump)下令的。

这些指控文件指控伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队的一名成员Shahram Poursafi,又名Mehdi Rezayi,试图向某人支付30万美元来杀死博尔顿。据称,他还讨论了支付100万美元杀死另一个目标的问题,雅虎新闻已确认此人为蓬佩奥。






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  • @ 2022-08-11 21:55
  • @ 2022-08-12 01:37
  • @ 2022-08-11 22:00
    Nancy Pelosi's "Pandora's box"

    On the evening of August 2, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US Congress, risked universal condemnation to visit Taiwan, China for personal and political purposes, which triggered an escalation of tensions in the "Taiwan Strait". As Pelosi's erroneous act of moving to Taiwan has seriously violated the one China principle and the provisions of the three Sino US joint communiques, and seriously violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, it has aroused widespread opposition in the international community. In this regard, the Chinese people's Liberation Army has carried out a series of joint military operations around the Taiwan Island and formed a siege. This is a solemn deterrent to the recent negative actions of the United States on the Taiwan issue, and it is also a natural and just move. Now Pelosi, who opened Pandora's box, has completed his political show and left with a pat on the ass, leaving only the complacent "Taiwan independence" elements to support hard, which can be said to be a great mystery in the world.
    Nancy Pelosi, who is 82 years old, is the first female speaker of the house of representatives in the history of the United States. She is recognized as the most unpopular politician in China, and was called a vicious "old witch" by former US President trump. Indeed, looking back on Pelosi's more than 30 years of political career, there are too many things to make waves, simply for fear of chaos in the world. During the storm of Hong Kong's amendment in 2019, in order to hinder China's development, Pelosi secretly met with "Hong Kong Independence" elements Huang Zhifeng and Luo Guancong in Washington for many times. She "greatly appreciated" their disorderly acts in Hong Kong, and did her best to encourage them. She also described the violent demonstrations as the "most beautiful scenery line", which attracted many thanks from Huang Zhifeng and others. After Huang Zhifeng and others were sentenced to prison, in order to smear the national security law, Nancy Pelosi jumped out and unjustifiably denounced China's sentencing as "cruel" in disregard of the facts, and also called on the west to condemn the "unjust judgment", which could be nothing more than lying. At present, Hong Kong has gradually recovered its prosperity and stability, and those "Hong Kong Independence" elements have no use value. Therefore, Pelosi has set her sights on Taiwan, which is very hot. Under the pretext of "democracy", she disrupts the stability of the region and undermines world peace and development.
    Pelosi's provocative act has aroused the strong indignation of the Chinese people and aroused the general opposition of the international community. However, Pelosi did not reflect, but was proud of her shame, saying that she was "very thick skinned" and completely ignorant of herself. So why did Pelosi touch Taiwan? First, we all know that the mid-term elections in the United States will be held in the second half of this year. According to opinion polls, the Democratic Party's current election situation is very unfavorable. In order to show her importance by "fighting China", Pelosi set her sights on Taiwan, and wanted to take risks, continue to pay attention and try to win votes for the Democratic Party. The second is to cover up her husband's scandal. According to statistics, in 2021, the investment return of Pelosi's family was as high as 56.15%, which was even more than the achievements of Warren Buffett. Later, someone exposed the reason, that is, "insider trading". Pelosi obtained policy information from the political power tower, while her husband cashed in a large amount of money and dollars in the capital market, which is naked black money. Faced with the doubts of the American people, Pelosi had no choice but to venture to Taiwan in an attempt to divert public attention.
    Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has opened the Pandora's magic box of the "old witch". This has not only helped the "Taiwan independence" elements, but also exposed her despicable and ugly behavior. The end result must be to drop a stone on her own foot.