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Orangutan holding a mop, London Zoo

摄影:B. A. Stewart and David S. Boyer

A London Zoo favorite is Mr. Jiggs, a six-year-old orangutan capable of mopping his own quarters.

From the upcoming National Geographic book The Image Collection, due fall 2009. Shop for other photography books from National Geographic.伦敦动物园最受宠爱的是吉格斯先生,它是一只六岁大的猩猩,能够打扫自己的住处。

Ayparahui Vista, Bolivia, 1998

摄影:Maria Stenzel

The indigenous Chipaya people of Bolivia rely on this remote environment for their survival, raising sheep and planting quinoa in the unforgiving soil.

Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine

艾帕拉灰之远望, 玻利维亚,1998




Fishing Boat, Al Aqabah Harbor, Jordan, 1997

摄影:Annie Griffiths Belt

A man pulls up an anchor line in Al Aqabah Harbor, Jordan. The Red Sea port of Al Aqabah (Akaba) was seized on July 6, 1917, by Arabs as part of a two-year campaign "to win independence for Arabs after four centuries of Turkish rule."

Photographed on assignment for, but not published in, "Lawrence of Arabia: A Hero's Journey," January 1999, National Geographic magazine

渔船,Al Aqabah 港,约旦,1997

在约旦的Al Aqabah港,一个渔人拉起一根锚链。 红海上的阿卡巴(Al Aqabah,即Akaba)港在被称为“把阿拉伯从土耳其长达四个世纪的统治下独立出来”的为期两年的战争中,于1917年七月六日被阿拉伯人占领。



Aqabah, Al:约旦的唯一海港,位于约旦和以色列边境的东边,由于附近有泉眼,因此人类定居此处的历史已有几千年。

Kowloon Cricket Club, Hong Kong, 1997

摄影:Michael S. Yamashita

"For many old-timers ... China has crashed Hong Kong's party, triggering a large-scale exodus. Still, the number of foreign-born residents is climbing, many of them working-class British youths in search of jobs. If they get homesick, they can always watch the locals bowl at the Kowloon Cricket Club."

From "Hong Kong: Countdown to China," March 1997, National Geographic magazine九龙板球俱乐部,香港,1997



Search Vehicle Argo

摄影:Emory Kristof

The search vehicle Argo begins a two-hour descent to the hull of the Titanic in the North Atlantic Ocean



摄影者:Emory Kristof

Translucent, purple fish

摄影:Chris Newbert/Minden Pictures

A photographer's strobe gives a violet sheen to this translucent juvenile roundbelly cowfish off the coast of Kona, Hawaii. Also known as the transparent boxfish, the roundbelly cowfish has two short horns in front of its eyes.



摄影者:Chris Newbert/Minden Pictures

Beirut Rising, Beirut, Lebanon, 1997

摄影:Ed Kashi

"A seaside workout on his Arabian mount is as invigorating as Beirut's recovering skyline for riding teacher Naji Rachid, at left. 'Everything is new and exciting,' says Rachid of this city with a historic passion for horses and gambling. Today's gamble: Will peace last?"

From "Beirut Rising," September 1997, National Geographic magazine




Mount Etna Eruption

摄影:Carsten Peter

A scientist overlooks an eruption at Mount Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanos. The Sicily, Italy, volcano is almost constantly in a state of eruption.埃特纳火山喷发


摄影者:Carsten Peter

Arctic wolf leaping across water, Canada

摄影:Jim Brandenburg

An arctic wolf leaps from ice raft to ice raft in the wilds of northern Canada.

From the National Geographic book Through The Lens, 2003


载于 国家地理《透过镜头》,2003

Sumo Wrestlers, Niigata, Japan, 1996

摄影:Robb Kendrick

"Iron flowers of Japanese manhood, sumo wrestlers are living icons—heroes of a national sport framed by religious symbolism. Once supported by the patronage of emperors, sumo has roots going back nearly 1,500 years. Before an exhibition tournament in Niigata, competitors trussed in ceremonial aprons enter the arena in the stately and ritualized dohyo-iri procession."

From "Sumo," July 1997, National Geographic magazine


“ 相扑手---国技英雄---作为象征日本男子气概的刚毅之花的活生生的代表,被看作是宗教符号主义的一部分。曾经等到过统治者优待的相扑,已经有将近 1500年的历史。在新澙举行的一次公开锦标赛前,选手们绑紧腰间的礼仪性的围裙---化妆廻(音同“回”),庄严的进入体育场,进行“土俵入り(即:进入土俵的意思”)仪式。


A strawberry poison dart frog

摄影:George Grall

Strawberry poison dart frogs are less venomous to humans than others poison dart frogs, but their toxins will cause swelling and a burning sensation.



Viking Fire, Iceland, 1999

摄影:Sisse Brimberg

"A thousand years ago Viking ships carried traders, settlers, and raiders west to America, south to Italy, and east to Russia. Scandinavia's power would never be greater. In time the expeditions dwindled and the Norse joined Christian Europe, but their ways live on in parts of the former Viking dominion. On Vestmannaeyjar, Icelanders celebrate at midsummer as did their forefathers—with fire, song, and plenty to drink.".

From "In Search of Vikings," May 2000, National Geographic magazine




摄影者:Sisse Brimberg

Silverback Mountain Gorilla in the Rain

摄影:Michael Nichols

Male silverback mountain gorillas gain their distinctive silver tinge at about 13 years old, when they reach adulthood.



摄影者:Michael Nichols

Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the moon,1969


Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin became the second person to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. Commander Neil Armstrong, the first on the moon, captured this image—one of the most famous photographs of the 20th century—soon after the lunar lander Eagle touched down in the Sea of Tranquility.


Refugee in temporary camp, Afghanistan


Fleeing the war in Afghanistan, an elderly man set up a temporary home within sight of the Afghan mountains he loved.

From the National Geographic book Reza War + Peace, 2009




A walrus on ice floe

摄影:Norbert Rosing

A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin. Walruses can reach some 11 feet (3.3 meters) in length and weigh up to 3,000 pounds (1.4 metric tons).



摄影者:Norbert Rosing

Pilgrims reveling near a mosque, Tanta, Egypt


A crowd of pilgrims arrives at the mosque in Tanta for Ragabiya, a three-day festival honoring the most venerated saint in Egypt, Sidi Ahmad Al-Badawi.

From the National Geographic book Reza War + Peace, 2009


艾哈迈德·巴达维(Ahmad al-Badawi,约1200~1276) 伊斯兰教苏菲派巴达维教团创始人。生于摩洛哥非斯一阿拉伯人家庭,自幼能背诵《古兰经》。1206~1211年曾随全家到麦加朝觐并在希贾兹定居。他从师钻研《古兰经》及沙斐仪教法,并经常到艾布·嘎比斯山洞静修,研习苏菲教义。后到伊拉克,成为里法伊教团的信徒,并在那里受到导师的专门教育。

Pigeon Rocks, Beirut, Lebanon, 2005

摄影:Alexandra Avakian

Dressed in traditional Islamic abayas, two women search for a place to picnic near Beirut, Lebanon famous Pigeon Rocks in 2005. Although Lebanon is about 60 percent Muslim, it also has large Christian and Druze populations, making it one of the most diverse countries in the Middle East.

Just over four miles (seven kilometers) from Beirut's city center, Israeli aircraft bombed Lebanon's international airport on July 13, 2006. The air strikes were in retaliation for the capture of two Israeli soldiers and the killing of eight more the day before in a cross-border raid by Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim militant group based in Lebanon. Today, the conflict continues as Israel targets Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut and its suburbs and Hezbollah sends rockets deep into Israel.

Photograph shot on assignment for National Geographic magazine

黎巴嫩鸽子石, 黎巴嫩 贝鲁特, 2005年




摄影者:Alexandra Avakian

Magnesium Flash Powder

摄影:Charles Martin

A blast of highly explosive magnesium flash powder allowed photographers Longley and Martin to photograph underwater life for the first time. When the men wanted to take a photograph, they clicked the camera’s shutter, which tripped a battery on a raft they dragged behind them. The battery, in turn, triggered the magnesium powder explosion, which illuminated the sea down to 15 feet (4.6 meters).


Kiev, Ukraine, 1986

摄影:Steve Raymer

In a scene captured before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a crowd awaits the November 7 fireworks to celebrate the communist revolution of 1917. Now Ukrainians celebrate their own Independence Day on August 24, the day they declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Ukraine," May 1987, National Geographic magazine




摄影者:Steve Raymer

Woman walking across a plaza, Ontario, Canada

摄影:Sam Abell

I was hurrying to an appointment when something stopped me. It was an austere, brilliantly lit plaza. I took it in, stepped back to include the black edge of the building beside me, and gathered myself to make a photograph. Moments later a woman rounded the corner and completed the composition.—Sam Abell[br]

From the National Geographic book The Life of a Photograph, 2008




Jacques Cousteau

摄影:Luis Marden

Legendary French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau examines a school of fish swimming past coral in the Indian Ocean. Together, Cousteau and photographer Marden pioneered the field of ocean exploration and photography. In 1956, Marden accompanied the legendary ocean explorer on a voyage from Toulon, France, to the Suez Canal aboard Cousteau's ship, Calypso. By journey’s end, Marden had 1,200 photographs, the largest collection of underwater color photographs ever taken.




African elephant walking on green grass

摄影:Chris Johns

An African elephant crosses the lush green of Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater.

From the upcoming National Geographic book The Image Collection, due fall 2009. Shop for other photography books from National Geographic




Sunlight reflected through water ripples illuminates a sperm whale

摄影:Brian J. Skerry

Sperm whales' heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti. Scientists have yet to understand its function, but believe it may help the animal regulate its buoyancy.



摄影者:Brian J. Skerry

Male black howler monkey in a tree

摄影:Joel Sartore

The highly vocal howler monkey is the largest of the New World monkeys.


摄影者:Joel Sartore


Young black spider monkey

摄影:Joel Sartore

Spider monkeys, like this young one seemingly caught by surprise in Bolivia's Madidi National Park, are dependent on their mothers for about ten weeks after birth.



摄影者:Joel Sartore

Leafcutter Ants

摄影:Thomas Marent/Minden Pictures

Some studies estimate that ants make up an amazing 30 percent of the total biomass of Earth's tropical rain forests, far exceeding that of mammals. Here, two leafcutter ants dismantle a leaf in Peru's Manu National Forest.



摄影者:Thomas Marent/Minden Pictures

Fishermen Hauling a Net, Canada

摄影:Sam Abell

Soul and muscle of their island, fishermen haul a net stretched between pitching dories. Home port for these men is Canada’s eastern outpost—a rugged bulwark thrust into the North Atlantic.

From the upcoming National Geographic book The Image Collection, due fall 2009. Shop for other photography books from National Geographic.




摄影者:Sam Abell

White-faced capuchin monkeys play in trees, Costa Rica

摄影:Wolfgang Kaehler/Alamy

Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest. Unlike these familiar faces, the majority of rain forest species are yet to be named, formally described, or analyzed.




摄影者:Wolfgang Kaehler/Alamy


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