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  3. 实拍开罗街头:情侣在坦克前举行婚礼 /



29岁新郎萨凡(Ahmed Zaafan)和22岁的哈米德(Ola Abdel Hamid)在解放广场结婚(图),得到在场示威者热情祝福。两人表示在广场行婚礼,表明他们决心一直留下,直到埃及人民的自由民主诉求得到实现。萨凡说﹕「示威者现在已成為我们的家人。过去数周,我们在解放广场一起生活、欢笑和抗争。我和哈米德都希望跟广场上每个人分享我们的喜悦。埃及政府希望全世界认為解放广场陷入胶状态,然而我们并非停滞不前,我们希望全球看到我们仍可继续抗争,同时如常生活。」


Resolute: Despite Mubarak refusing to step down, protesters have refused to be moved on.

Welcome to freedom: An Egyptian anti-Mubarak spells out what he and the other hundreds of thousands of demonstrators are looking for.

Celebration: Anti-government protesters entertain the crowd with traditional dances in the square.

Diverse: Egyptian Christians held mass in Tahrir Square in Cairo in order to counter claims by state television that most of the anti-Mubarak protesters are members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Father and son: An Egyptian anti-government demonstrator carries his son on his shoulders as people gather Tahrir Square.

End of an era: A protester shouts out for victory during a symbolic funeral held in the square. There are concerns that a future government could spark an arms race.

Homely: Protesters set up tents on another part of of Tahrir square as their campaign goes into the third week of demonstartions.

Good morning: A young Egyptian girl drinks milk as she wakes up in the morning after sleeping in Tahrir square among thousands of other protesters.

Leaving a mark: A man and woman read creative anti-Mubarak slogans and messages of support that are hung on a makeshift-wall at.

Eman Hamed and Hany Ahmed Abozed on their wedding day, Feb. 1, in Alexandria, Egypt.


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