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摄影师跟拍乔布斯22年 纪录下重要时刻

摄影师Diana Walker跟拍乔布斯长达22年,陪着他走过被踢出苹果的人生低潮,一直到他创建皮克斯、重回苹果等光荣岁月。

从 1982 年帮乔布斯拍下第一张照片的摄影师 Diana Walker,曾经有长达 22 年时间不定期跟拍。这些照片分别从公司、家庭不同层面舒展,跟着乔布斯被踢出苹果、成立 NeXT 计算机公司与皮克斯动画工作室,到重回苹果掌权。就连乔布斯躺在地板上跟比尔盖兹打了一整天的电话後,说服微软掏出 1.5 亿美元买苹果的股票等事迹,都被忠实地纪录下来。

原本奉命为乔布斯拍摄杂志封面的 Diana Walker,连她也没想过竟然与乔布斯成为好友,因着乔布斯对她的拍摄风格诸多赞赏,让两人通过照片结下这段不解之缘。

Diana Walker 过去在接受时代杂志访问说道:初会面时,乔布斯正在与一群史丹佛大学生在客厅里谈话,当时只能在不打扰了情况下从旁侧拍;但后来请求他(乔布斯)站在苹果顶部接受拍摄时,没想到他并没说啥,就这样站上去了!

▲就是这幅作品由摄影师 Diana Walker 捕捉乔布斯站在苹果标志上,名为 Steve Jobs 的作品。(图/撷取自华盛顿日报)

Diana Walker (born 1942) / Digital inkjet print, 1982 (printed 2011) / National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of Diana Walker; c Diana Walker

这张作品,也是後来颇富名气的一张,当时作为财经杂志「Fortune magazine」的刊头,後来被 Diana Walker 捐给美国国家肖像博物馆收藏,最近因着乔布斯去世的消息,再度被馆方取出安排在一楼大厅演示。

其实,在 Diana Walker 公开这组乔布斯的人物摄影集里,呈现了许多乔布斯私密时刻,像是1997 年睽违苹果 12 年後重掌大权并前往波士顿时,在飞机上翘着脚的模样;穿着短裤的乔布斯在白板前面为 Macworld Expo 发表做准备的背影,他与妻子 Laurene 鹣鲽情深的合影,甚至还有他在家庭工作室忙碌的模样。少少数张照片,详述了乔布斯在这段人生大起大落的年代。

▲撷取自作品集里的其中一张,Diana Walker 说明道,当时乔布斯为了微软收购苹果股票的问题,躺在地板上跟比尔盖兹打了一整天的电话,最後才终於说服微软掏出 1.5 亿美元完成这笔交易。

Jobs told photographer Walker that this 1997 image with his wife Laurene at their Palo Alto, Calif., home was one of his favorites.

Jobs rests on a flight to the Macworld Expo in Boston in 1997, the year he took back the reins at Apple after a 12-year hiatus.

Jobs sits in his Cupertino, Calif., home in 1982.

Jobs with the Lisa, an early — and revolutionary — Apple computer, in 1982.

Jobs prepares for a Macworld keynote speech in which he would announce a major deal with Bill Gates.

Jobs presides over a lunchtime huddle with his design team at Apple's headquarters in 1982.

Jobs puts in a day at the office before heading to Boston's 1997 Macworld Expo.

Jobs delivers remarks at Boston's 1997 Macworld Expo.

Jobs in his home office in December 2004, the last time Walker ever photographed him.

Jobs has a laugh with John Lasseter of Pixar in the animation studio's headquarters.

Jobs sits for a portrait outside his home in Palo Alto, Calif., on Dec. 7, 2004.


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