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实拍黄河小浪底泄水排沙 场面相当恐怖

7月5日,小浪底水库“黄龙”飞舞,场景壮观。当日,按照黄河防总2013年汛前调水调沙的部署,小浪底水库异重流排沙出库。小浪底水库按2600立方米 /秒流量控泄,含有大量泥沙的黄河水,从小浪底大坝的出水口直泻下游。黄河2013年汛前调水调沙从6月19开始,历时约20天。期间,小浪底水库总计下泄量约57亿立方米,库区水位将降至215米左右。

Visitors watch water gushing from the section of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir on the Yellow River, during a sand-washing operation

Residents turn out to watch the annual event - and try to avoid a drenching by protecting themselves with umbrellas

A cloud of water: The floodwater churns through Yellow River as bystanders stand and stare


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