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加拿大环境部(Environment Canada)列出2013年十大天气新闻,其中卡加利和多伦多暴雨水灾分列第一和第二位。环境部表示,2013年最重要的天气新闻就是水灾,而今年6月发生在卡加利和阿省南部的水灾名列榜首。这个影响巨大的水灾不仅令10万人被迫撤离家园,而且造成数十亿的经济损失。


加拿大保险局(The Insurance Bureau of Canada)指出,这2个灾难成为本国历史上自然灾害保险赔付最高的事件,其中卡加利水灾名列第一、多伦多水灾则名列第三。

名列2013十大新闻第三至第十的新闻分别为:加西农业今年特大丰收、红河谷(Red River Valley)泛滥成灾、15年来最凉爽的夏天减缓北极冰雪融化速度而连续强暴雨有助于五大湖水位的恢复、大西洋省份2月份的2场雪暴令积雪量达60厘米、安省北部度假区4月异常温暖及洪涝、草原省漫长的冬天即从2012年10月一直持续到今年4月、斯省(Nova Scotia)强大风暴令5名年轻渔民溺水身亡、以及温哥华和维多利亚7月份创纪录超长的日照时间且滴雨未降等。


  1. Alberta flood – The super flood of 2013 washed across one-quarter of the province and through the heart of Calgary, prompting an evacuation of 100,000 Albertans.
  2. Toronto flood – Two storms struck Canada's largest city during afternoon rush hour, with more rain falling in two hours than Toronto usually sees during the entire month of July.
  3. Farming success in the West – The growing season came pretty close to perfect for farmers in the western provinces, with some calling it the best in the a lifetime.
  4. Red River Valley flood – Saskatchewan and Manitoba were bracing for a flood that never was after a cold spring eased snowmelt and kept water levels manageable.
  5. Arctic Ocean, Great Lakes rebound – The coldest summer in 15 years helped slow sea ice melting in the Canadian Arctic, while heavy rainfall helped restore water levels in the Great Lakes.
  6. East Coast blizzard – Two February storms dumped as much as 60 centimetres of snow in the Atlantic provinces.
  7. Cottage country flooding – Warm April weather led to major floods north and east of Georgian Bay in Ontario's cottage country.
  8. Long Prairie winter - While winter officially run from December to March, cold weather and snow started early and lingered in the Prairies, sweeping in from October 2012 to April 2013.
  9. Maritime tragedy – A storm off the coast of Nova Scotia led to the drowning deaths of five young fishermen in February 2013.
  10. Sunshine in B.C. – Victoria and Vancouver saw near perfect weather in July 2013 which featured a record-breaking span of continuous sunshine without a single drop of rain.


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