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萌!加国幼熊 不惜犯险境入漩涡捉鱼

美国亚利桑那州摄影师帕特与乔治(Pat and George Walsh),早前到卑诗省看到一只为吃鱼,不惜走到水中的幼熊。在遍叼无所获的情况下,该头幼熊揽着水中的浮木休息(上图),并于其后叉足电的情况下,即时叼到一条大三文鱼(下图),而这有趣一幕亦被帕特与乔治拍下。

A bear appears to grab a quick break from fishing for his dinner at Bella Coola, in BC, Canada
After a brief moment of rest however he continued his search in the water and plucked a juicy catch for dinner
The young bear appeared to grow tired after wading in the waters while looking for fish
Photographers Pat and George Walsh said the bear was working hard against the current in his attempts to catch a fish
The photographers, from Scottsdale in Arizona, USA, captured the images while on a trip to the area
The photographers said he ended up catching a large Chinook Salmon following his efforts


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