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  3. 目击者称:飞机一头扎在地上 断成两截 /

目击者称:飞机一头扎在地上 断成两截



Airliner downed: Assault rifles in hand, four pro-Russian separatists survey the smouldering wreckage of a passenger jet destryoed by a missile in war-torn Ukraine

Loss: A relative struggles to contain his emotion as family members of the victims are taken away from Schiphol airport in a special bus tonight

In memory: A young girl places her head on a teddy bear as people light candles and place flowers in front of the Dutch Embassy in Kiev

Arrival: The self-proclaimed Prime Minister of the pro-Russian separatist 'Donetsk People's Republic' Alexander Borodai (centre) arrives on the site of the crash

Casualties: Dutch authorities have said that at least six Britons, 154 Dutch and 27 Australians were on board the doomed plane, and it is feared that up to 23 Americans and four French passengers had been killed

Picking up the pieces: Work at the crash site continued into the night, as world leaders called for a full investigation into the tragedy

Struggle: A firefighter sprays water on the flames in an attempt to extinguish the fire

Fighting the fire: Airline fuel continues to burn amongst the wreckage as night falls over the crash site

Fear: A relative of one suspected victim walks arrives at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam tonight

Torment: Worried relatives are driven away from Schiphol airport by bus tonight

Tearful: The woman reacts to news regarding the tragic plane crash in eastern Ukraine

Grief: A family member cries as she receives the news of the ill-fated flight MH17 during a phone call at Kuala Lumpur airport

Worry: A relative of a passenger on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam speaks on the phone as he waits for information outside the family holding area at the airport in Kuala Lumpur

On alert: Airport police stand guard at the arrival hall at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, where the plane had been due to land

Grief tinged with anger: A woman lights a candle near a placard reading 'Stop Russian terrorism!' in front of the Dutch Embassy in Kiev. Pro-Russian rebels have denied involvement in the crash

Sympathy:A young Ukrainian girl and a man thought to be her father place flowers in commemoration of the crash victims

Mourning: People gather in front of the Embassy to pay tribute to the passengers on board the tragic flight

Anxious: Family members of the victims are gathering at Schiphol airport's dakotabar to wait for news of their loved ones


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