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美呆了 加国女士飞机上拍到云下彩虹

近日,安省伦敦市居民、51岁的梅丽莎女士(Melissa Rensen)在乘坐飞机的时候拍到了她从彩虹上方飞过的绝美瞬间。人们看到的彩虹大多是在地面上,而Rensen在飞机上拍到的彩虹照片可谓非常罕见。


The colourful shots (pictured) were taken by Melissa Rensen, 51, as she flew over the Caribbean Sea. But Ms Rensen, from London in Ontario, Canada said she didn’t realise she’s captured the kaleidoscope of colours until she viewed the images later in the day
A rainbow forms when light is reflected and refracted in water droplets, or in other liquids or surfaces. Because they are formed by droplets above the ground, centred on a line from the sun to the viewer’s eye, this means they are visible from a distance. This means it is not possible to ‘fly through’ a rainbow
Rainbows appear in the sky as multi-coloured arcs, and are caused when sunlight hits water droplets in a section of sky directly opposite the sun. They are typically full circles, but only an arc is visible. The sun is shown behind the wing of Ms Rensen's flight (pictured) with the kaleidoscope of colours below


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