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错把油门当刹车 轿车向后腾飞撞入商铺


警方表示,这起案件发生在Leslie街和York Mills路以北Coldwater路附近的一家加油站。当时这名男子正在倒车,可能由于把油门当作刹车错踩,汽车竟向后腾空飞了20多米,越过一个围栏和一排汽车,直撞入油站旁的一个修车店。


汽车飞越围栏的情况被监控摄像头拍摄下来,并被本地英文媒体播出,震惊了市民。修车店东主艾尔福特(Bob Elford)看完录像之后表示自己从未见过这种情况,因为即便是在倒车时将油门当作刹车错踩,正常情况下也不太可能让汽车飞起来,而且还飞了这么远,可见冲击力之大。万幸的是,汽车是朝着修车店的方向飞来的,如果是朝着油站的方向飞,后果不堪设想。



网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。
  • @ 2015-06-01 21:21


    看这个录像:http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/wor ... acle-escape-5802051


    Caught on CCTV: Driver's miracle escape as car flies through air then smashes into brick wall
      1 June 2015  By Kara O'Neill

    The vehicle was airborne when it ploughed into the side of the building at high speed。

    Miracle escape as man who crashed car after going airborne into a auto repair shop gets away with minor injuries。

    A motorist is lucky to be alive after crashing his car into a brick wall - while his vehicle was in mid air.

    Terrifying CCTV footage has captured the moment a man ploughed his motor into the side of a car repair shop in New York - by flying over a raised ledge at a petrol station at high speed.

    In the clip, the car seems to appear out of nowhere as it soars over a group of parked cars and slams into the garage wall.

    Dramatic: Car flies through mid air before smashing into building wall

    As the car hits the building, the front of the vehicle is immediately crushed on impact.

    Moments later, shocked passersby rush over to the car before calling an ambulance.

    Emergency services responded to the call, which came just after 11.30am on May 31.

    Fire crews were able to cut the man from the car.

    A car comes out of nowhere, flying through the air across a car park and smashing into a wall

    Crushed: The car was wrecked after the initial impact but emergency services managed to rescue the driver

    The driver is now being treated for his injuries in hospital, but is expected to survive, according to CTV Toronto.

    Bob Elford, the owner of the car repair shop, told CTV Toronto: "The car went airborne, missing the cars that were parked and went through the building clean, and was stopped by a structural beam."

    Police are now investigating the cause of the accident, and are considering the theory that the driver got his accelerator and brake pedal confused.