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  3. 多伦多这个区的Condo均价为何这么高! /


地产公司The Red Pin的最新调查显示,多伦多最昂贵的Condo位于Bay街与Avenue Road交界处。该地区一套一室一厅Condo的均价为$570,198,而两室一厅的均价则高达$1,497,679,接近150万加币!

The Red Pin表示,该地区的Condo如此价高是有原因的, 而归根结底最重要的,始终逃不过房地产第一大铁律——地点、地点、地点!


The Red Pin调查了多伦多的28个十字路口,其中24个有着城市里最高的人流量——每天至少17,000人次。从这些路口步行5分钟能到达的那些Condo,均价大约在$537,702,比全市的Condo均价$398,858足足高出15万。

The Red Pin还发现,上述区域内在建的Condo有着非常明确的目标人群——一室一厅大约比两室一厅多出40%。

以下是The Red Pin总结的各大路口Condo均价。

Yonge and Eglinton
One bedroom: $402, 924
Two bedroom: $629,644

St. Clair and Yonge
One bedroom: $439, 064
Two bedroom: $868,537

Bloor and Avenue
One bedroom: $570,198
Two bedroom: $1,497,679

Bay and Bloor
One bedroom: $439,453
Two bedroom: $1,174,562

Yonge and Bloor
One bedroom: $416,968
Two bedroom: $964, 813

Yonge and Wellesley
One bedroom: $414,351
Two bedroom: $601,952

Bay and College
One bedroom: $428, 826
Two bedroom: $611,950

Yonge and Collge
One bedroom: $422,928
Two bedroom: $602,081

Yonge and Gerrard
One bedroom: $425,658
Two bedroom: $611,381

Yonge and Dundas
One bedroom: $423,121
Two bedroom: $616, 219

Dundas and Bay
One bedroom: $422,088
Two bedroom: $637,589

Dundas and University
One bedroom: $382,148
Two bedroom: $531, 307

Yonge and Queen
One bedroom: $368,638
Two bedroom: $512,033

King and Spadina
one bedroom: $389,231
Two bedroom: $609,180

Front and John
One bedroom: $376,099
Two bedroom: $609,344

York and University
One bedroom: $421,202
Two bedroom: $753,164

Bay and Queen
One bedroom: $383,909
Two bedroom: $697,371

Bay and Adelaide
One bedroom: $393,957
Two bedroom: $688,327

Bay and King
One bedroom: $425,537
Two bedroom: $734,744

Bay and Wellington
One bedroom: $412,172
Two bedroom: $666,601

Yonge and King
One bedroom: $387,813
Two bedroom: $671,844

Yonge and Adelaide
One bedroom: $389,327
Two bedroom: $637,157

King and Jarvis
One bedroom: $369, 562
Two bedroom: $608,184

Richmond and John
One bedroom: $399,888
Two bedroom: $692,911

Front and John
One bedroom: $376,099
Two bedroom: $609,344

York and University
One bedroom: $421,202
Two bedroom: $753,164


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