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  3. 2016年多华会招聘会:众多职位等你来 /


多华会服务社区已超过四十一年,专为新移民提供一站式安居服务 及各项社区服务。 包括:安居服务、教育及语言培训、社区发展及青少年服务等项目。


多华会秉承其服务社区的一贯宗旨,在广泛暸解新移民在就业方面需求的基础上,于5月27日(星期五)上午 10:00时至下午2:00时在万锦市大都会广场再次举办有多家机构和企业 参加的招聘会。上午9:00到10:00 招聘会专题讲座: 求职成功策略 (招聘会专题)

截至目前为止,参加的雇主单位和咨询机构有35个,计有:6个政府部门 (Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Toronto, Peel Regional Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Toronto Fire Service, Toronto Police Service,York Regional Police),

21个商业单位 (Campass Holidays, Canada Immigration Service Network, Can Travel Services Inc., Canadian Chinese Radio, Creative Graphics Inc, Forward Sign, FutureTel, Global Chinese Media Investment Inc., ICY Production, King Square, KVB Kunlun Canada Inc., Max Printing Centre, New Oriental International College, OTT Financial Group, Paladin Security Group Ltd, Pharma-Medical Science College of Canada, Primerica Financial Services, Spire Health Group, Sunlife Financial, TenRen's Tea, 168 Consulting),

3个社区服务机构 (Carefirst Seniors, Versatile Care, VHA Home HealthCare),1家职业介绍中心 (Great Connections), 以上均为雇主单位。 另外有4家就业咨询机构 (Acces Employment Services, Cenntennial College, JVS Employment Services 及The Career Foundation)。是次招聘会为求职者提供接触雇主、洽谈应聘、了解政府就业辅导项目、获得工作机会和接受具体求职方法指导的全面帮助 。


在招聘会开始前,9 多华会还邀请专职就业辅导员,为大家举办了专场就业辅导讲座。在招聘会进行期间,由专业的就业顾问为求职者提供免费的修改简历和求职信的服务。

我们诚邀正在寻找就业或职业转变机会的广大朋友们参加我们的招聘会。查询请致电:(905)948-1671 或(416)977-4026。



1. Police Constable and Police Cadet,Entry Level Firefighter

2. Account Executive, Accounting Supervisor, Project Coordinator, Accounting Associate, Accountant, CGA Accountant

3.Ultrasound program Instructor, Massage therapy program Instructor, Personal Support Worker, Lab Analysts; Registered Nurse, Home Support Worker;

4.Web Designers & Developers, Graphic Designers and possibly Videographers

5.Reporter, editor

6.Investment Advisor, Business Development Manager

7.Full time Bartender, Full time Kitchen Staff, Part time Bartender, Part time Kitchen Staff

8.Production workers, Cleaning worker, Forklift Drivers, Assemblers, Brake Operators, Warehouse Worker, Spot Weld Operator, Shipping Receiving

9.Celluar Repair Technician, Electronic Assembler

10.Travel Consultant, Programmer, Office Assistant, Tourist Guide, Travel Driver, Travel Ticket Agent

11.License Immigration Consultant, Executive Assistant, Consultant Assistant, Interpreter Translator

12.Human Resources Manager, Recruiter Assistant and Project Coordinator, Administrative Assistants

13.Security Guard

14.Sales Person(Mandarin speaking), Inbound Sales, Customer Service Agents, Marketing Person

15.3D Animation Artists


网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。