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行人被撞死 GO湖滨西线暂停后恢复正常

今晨6:30左右, GO火车湖滨西线(Lakeshore West Line)Mimico Station 东面发生事故,1名行人被撞死,湖滨西线暂停服务,当局估计在8:30左右才能恢复正常服务。


据 CP24电视台的最新消息,GO火车湖滨西线暂停后已经恢复正常。

A Lakeshore West GO train is stopped between Mimico and Exhibition stations this morning after it struck and killed a pedestrian.

GO 火车发言人 Vanessa Barrasa 表示,不幸的是,事故将引起班车取消、严重延误,将给上班市民带来极大不便。该发言人说,GO火车正派出穿梭巴士到现场接送受困乘客。

该发言人还说,受影响的 GO 火车乘客现在可以利用 TTC系统,持GO 火车票在Kipling, Long Branch 以及 Union 等站均可以乘坐 TTC 系统的公车。


  • The Aldershot GO 5:31 a.m. to Union Station 6:38 a.m.
  • The Union Station 6:55 a.m. to Aldershot GO 7:58 a.m.
  • The Union Station 7:13 a.m. to Aldershot GO 8:21 a.m.
  • The Union Station 7:33 a.m. to Oakville GO 8:12 a.m.
  • The Union Station 7:43 a.m. to Aldershot GO 8:51 a.m.

GO火车湖滨西线以下班次在 Long Branch 被迫停驶:

  • The Aldershot GO 6:01 a.m. to Union Station 7:11 a.m. train ended at Long Branch.
  • The Hamilton GO Centre 6:00 a.m. to Union Station 7:14 a.m. train ended at Long Branch.
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