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2016年加拿大勋章(Order of Canada)获得者名单于今天公布,共有113名加拿大人获得奖章,著名华裔化学家岑俊江(Tsun-Kong Sham)上榜。

资料显示,俊江来自香港,目前在西安大略大学((University of Western Ontario)化学系任教,研究领域包括电子结构和同步辐射光技术。俊江岑1971年在香港中文大学获化学学士学位,1975年在西安大略大学获博士学位,经两年博士后深造之后成功跻身于美国纽约长岛 Brookhaven 国家实验室,1988年他被加拿大西安大略大学化学系授予终身教授,并于2012年当选加拿大皇家科学院院士。


勋章获得者中还有加拿大女明星,前国家女子冰球队长坎贝尔(Cassie Campbell;下图),前新不伦瑞克省督、该省第一位原住民法官格雷顿(Graydon Nicholas),以及女高音歌唱家汉尼根(Barbara Hannigan)等人。


加拿大勋章”是加拿大国家级的最高终身成就奖,勋章分为三等:头等为同伴级勋章 (Companion of Order of Canada)、次等为官佐级勋章(Officer of Order of Canada)和三等员佐级勋章(Member of Order of Canada)。



Companions of the Order of Canada:

  • Barbara Sherwood Lollar, geochemist

Officers of the Order of Canada:

  • Kenneth Armson, forest management advocate
  • Ellen Bialystok, language researcher
  • Yvon Charest, president and CEO of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
  • Gregory Charles, singer and performer
  • John Richard English, historian and politician
  • Eduardo L. Franco, cervical cancer researcher
  • Jacques Godbout, writer and filmmaker
  • Serge Godin, founder of technology security firm CGI
  • Robert Arthur Gordon, academic
  • Philippe Gros, genetics researcher
  • Piers Guy Paton Handling, CEO of the Toronto International Film Festival
  • Roberta L. Jamieson, First Nations activist
  • Nathalie Lambert, Olympic speed skater
  • Andres Lozano, neurosurgeon
  • John McCall MacBain, philanthropist and founder of the McCall MacBain Foundation
  • John McGarry, academic
  • Rene Theophile Nuytten, deep-sea explorer
  • Dennis O'Connor, commissioner of the Walkerton and Maher Arar inquiries
  • Sophie May Pierre, commissioner for the British Columbia Treaty Commission
  • Thomas Quinn, business leader
  • Noralou Roos, medical researcher
  • Abraham Anghik Ruben, indigenous artist
  • Tsun-Kong Sham, scientist
  • Dorothy Shaw, women's health advocate
  • Anthony von Mandl, Okanagan wine maker
  • The Honourable Warren Winkler, former chief justice of the Ontario Court of Appeal
  • Ronald J. Wonnacott, free trade researcher

Members of the Order of Canada:

  • Joseph Georges Arsenault, researcher and promoter of Prince Edward Island's Acadian history
  • Salah John Bachir, entrepreneur
  • Isabel Bassett, former Ontario cabinet minister
  • Gerald Batist, cancer researcher
  • Geoffrey Battersby, physician, politician and community leader
  • Francoise Baylis, medical ethicist and health care advocate
  • Gregory S. Belton, philanthropist
  • Johanne Berry, businesswoman and mentor
  • Timothy Borlase, author and arts program specialist
  • Richard Fredrick Bradshaw, philanthropist
  • Peter Bregg, photojournalist
  • Donald C. Brinton, broadcaster and retired executive with Canwest Global Communications
  • Michael Budman and Don Green, founders of retailer Roots Canada Ltd.
  • Cassie Campbell, Olympic hockey player and broadcaster
  • Mariette Carrier-Fraser, language rights advocate
  • The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, retired senator
  • Neena L. Chappell, caregiving and dementia researcher
  • Zita Cobb, social entrepreneur
  • Mary Cornish, pay equity advocate
  • L. Mark Cullen, horticulture educator and environmentalist
  • Madeleine Delaney-Leblanc, women's rights activist
  • Patricia Demers, academic
  • Serge Denoncourt, actor
  • Charlotte Diamond, children's entertainer
  • Rupert James Duchesne, customer loyalty management innovator
  • Michael Eskin, canola oil researcher
  • Carole Anne Estabrooks, health care researcher
  • Yvon Ethier, musician
  • Gerald Richard Fagan, conductor and educator.
  • Linda Marie Fedigan, primate researcher
  • Marie Esther Fortier, hospital administrator and researcher
  • Stephen Gaetz, homelessness researcher
  • Ned Goodman, philanthropist
  • Paul John Perry Guloien, jazz saxophonist
  • Barbara Hannigan, opera singer
  • Gregory Hanson, business leader
  • Susan Johnson, psychologist and therapist
  • Diane Juster, musician
  • Eli Kassner, co-founder of the Guitar Society of Toronto.
  • Elaine Keillor, Canadian music historian
  • Hassan Khosrowshahi, business magnate and philanthropist
  • Michael Charles Klein, family and maternity care physician
  • Laurier Lacroix, Quebec arts historian
  • Mark Levine, oncologist and researcher
  • Shar Levine, science educator
  • Sidney B. Linden, former chief judge of the Ontario Court of Justice
  • Gail Dexter Lord, museum planner and manager
  • Steve Lurie, mental health care advocate
  • Bruce MacKinnon, editorial cartoonists.
  • Harriet MacMillan, psychiatrist and pediatrician
  • Joe and Stephanie Mancini, homeless advocates
  • Roger L. Martin, business educator and academic
  • Don McKellar, actor, writer and director.
  • Linda E. McKnight, publisher
  • Emily Molnar, ballet dancer and choreographer
  • Terrence Montague, cardiovascular disease researcher
  • Richard Ian Guy Morrison, Arctic shorebirds conservationist
  • The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, former lieutenant governor of New Brunswick
  • Niels Ole Nielsen, veterinarian and academic
  • Shane O'Dea, educator and orator
  • Robert Pace, Atlantic Canada business leader
  • Eric L. Peterson, philanthropist and indigenous health care advocate
  • Michel Picher, labour arbitrator
  • Deborah Poff, academic administrator
  • Andrew M. Pringle, investor and chairman of the Toronto Police Services Board
  • Daniel Reiss, environmentalist and chairman of Polar Bears International
  • Howard Warren Rundle, former president of Fanshawe College
  • Robert J. Sawyer, science fiction writer
  • Kathryn Shields, women's basketball player and coach
  • Ilkay Silk, actor, director and playwright
  • Jean Swanson, anti-poverty activist in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
  • Kathleen Patricia Taylor, former president and CEO of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
  • Richard Tremblay, founder and director of the Canadian Organ Donors Association
  • Louis Vachon, president of the National Bank of Canada
  • Geraldine Van Bibber, former commissioner of Yukon
  • David Vaver, intellectual property law as a scholar
  • James W. St. G. Walker, historian
  • Michael A. Walker, founder of the Fraser Institute
  • Howard Wetston, judge, former chairman of the Ontario Energy Board and the Ontario Securities Commission
  • Catharine Whiteside, medical researcher
  • Marie Wilson, commissioner with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • James G. Wright, pediatric orthopedist
  • Glenda Yeates, former deputy minister of Health Canada


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