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哈密尔顿民宅凌晨大火 母子三人被活活烧死


An outpouring of grief could be seen on social media where family and friends posted photos of Victoria Maire and children Robert and Abigail.

这起火灾发生于今早4:30左右,地点是多伦多西面的城市哈密尔顿柏林顿街(Burlington)和温顿沃斯北街(Wentworth Street North)之间的尼亚加拉街(Niagara Street)70号民宅。

据当地居民夏普(Cheryl Sharpe)对媒体透露,火情爆发后势头非常猛,很快就浓烟滚滚、烈焰熊熊,并蔓延到相邻尼亚加拉街74号民宅。




据夏普透露,死者是一名母亲和两名孩童,母亲名叫 Victoria Maire,两名孩子大的10岁,小的还不到两岁。



Hamilton fire





Hamilton house fire


网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。
  • @ 2016-08-06 22:47
  • @ 2016-08-07 06:24

    Mom and two children die in Hamilton house fire

    HAMILTON - A north-end Hamilton neighbourhood has a hole seared in its heart after the death of two small children and their mom in an early morning blaze.

    Three people died in the fire that engulfed a Niagara St. home around 4:30 a.m. Saturday — seven others in the house when the fire broke out managed to survive but had to be taken to hospital.

    Brittney Thorne had the devastating task Saturday of caring for her cousin’s young son who survived the house fire that killed his mom, Victoria Maire, baby sister, Abby, and half brother, Robert.

    Dontay, 5, is staying with Thorne for now as the family copes with the three tragic deaths.

    “He knows there was a fire and went to the hospital needing oxygen,” Thorne said Saturday afternoon.

    “He doesn’t know about the deaths. He is asking for his mom and sister and dog and cat.”

    Dontay’s father, Daniel LeBlanc, and his other sibling were sent to hospital along with four other residents of the house, she said.

    “(Dontay) thinks he will see them all soon,” said Thorne, who has set up a gofundme.com page to raise funds for the family.

    Standing near the charred remains of the two-and-a-half storey, century-old home amid the lingering smell of acrid smoke, neighbour Cheryl Sharpe was trembling as she thought about the loss of life.

    She spoke about watching the home burn after her husband woke her up shortly after fire crews arrived.

    “Apparently the little baby under two died and one of the grandsons Robert and the mom - Vicky or Victoria,” said Sharpe, standing under the shade of a tree. “I know those three are gone. It’s quite a loss, a terrible loss.

    “I couldn’t imagine. I have grandchildren, God forbid,” she said, as she waved her hand in front of her face trying to wave the thoughts away.

    The cause of the fatal fire is under investigation.

    “The coroner is now on scene and the Fire Marshal will be conducting their investigation to determine the cause,” said Hamilton Fire Service information officer Claudio Mostacci.

    When crews arrived on scene to the multi-alarm blaze they found the home fully engulfed in flames, officials confirmed.

    The 50-plus firefighters started attacking the blaze which had quickly spread to an adjoining home.

    “These (house fires) are always brutal especially when lives are lost,” said Lonnie Schubert of the Ontario Fire Marshal’s office. “There are three people in there and we need to get them out as safely as we can.”

    Investigators will spend the next few days trying to determine the cause of the fire and making sure none of the houses collapse to impede their findings or injure those working on the investigation.

    “It is going to take some time, as you can see this house isn’t in too good of a condition,” Schubert said.

    The rear of the home, where the back porch and kitchen area appeared to be located on the first floor, resembled a charred skeleton.

    The walls had burned away right to the attic roof area where Sharpe was told the three had perished and could not be reached.

    Sharpe described the entire family as nice, they raced dune buggies and the grandmother — who also lived in the home — loved the grandkids “like crazy” and “she took care of those kids very well.”

    The adjoining home to the north that also sustained fire damage was being renovating for the young family to move into.

    The family had been living in the neighbourhood for a long time.

    Sharpe said police helped move the grandmother from the front of the house earlier in the day “because it was too much for her” as she watched crews begin the fire investigation.