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硅谷巨型裸女雕塑引争议 官员:科技业太缺女性


这座雕塑名为《Truth Is Beauty(真理即美)》,目前艺术家已经安装了这座雕塑的小腿部分。对于这座雕塑,在当地引起争议,网友对它褒贬不一,有的网友认为它非常美,而有的网友则不这么认为,他们表示。“我承认这座雕塑很有艺术感,艺术家也很有才华,但我不认为它适合在公共场合展示。”据悉,这座雕塑高高耸立,达55英尺(约为17米)高,即使距离很远也能看到。


而加州当地官员当地官员Chris Zappata称:“高科技产业想来缺乏女性,我们希望这座雕塑能引发人们对这个问题的关注,同时我们也希望把公共艺术带到我们的社区中。”

This 55-foot-tall statue of a naked woman called 'Truth in Beauty' is being installed at the San Leandro tech campus in California (pictured at Burning Man)

The statue is in the process of being installed, and so far only her legs are in place. However, locals are worried the statue of a naked woman might be too provocative

'You know how some people are. Some people don't want to see nobody naked,' said San Leandro resident William Eckels (campus during construction, pictured)

'I think it's better suited for a museum where people have the option about whether that's something they want their children to view,' resident Sally Wrye said (plans for the campus, pictured)

City Manager Chris Zappata said despite the critiques, there has been far more support for the statue than opposition


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