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奥运美扯谎泳将道歉 只认夸大不认说谎



法新社与路透社报导,洛克特(Ryan Lochte)今天接受巴西“环球电视台”(Globo TV)专访时对巴西全国道歉:“我很抱歉,巴西不应受到那样的对待。”








'Over-exaggerated': Ryan Lochte (above) admitted in an NBC interview that aired on Saturday he was still 'intoxicated' when he gave the initial TV interview where he made the robbery claims

Excuse?: Lochte (above) said: 'I was still under that influence, and I'm not making me being intoxicated an excuse. It was my fault, and I shouldn't have said that'

'Hurt': Ryan Lochte (above) also said that he was 'hurt' when he saw Jack Conger and Gunner Bentz being hauled off a US-bound plane in Brazil as police wanted to question them over robbery story

Composed: Lochte (right) taped the interview with Matt Lauer (left) aired in part on Saturday evening. The full interview will air on Monday morning during the Today show

Lochte (above) admitted that he fabricated the Rio robbery story and said he was 'immature'

Lochte (above) said: 'That's why I'm taking full responsibility for it, is because I over-exaggerated that story, and if I never done that we wouldn't be in this mess'

While appearing on Brazil's largest broadcaster, Globo TV, Lochte (above) apologized for what he did and said 'Brazil doesn't deserve that'

Finally home: Lochte (above) and his girlfriend, Kayla Rae Reid, were photographed returning home to Charlotte, North Carolina after filming his interview with NBC on Saturday in New York


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