1. 无忧资讯 /
  2. 华人 /
  3. 中国城连发劫案 休斯敦侨界致信市长 /

中国城连发劫案 休斯敦华人联署致市长公开信

据《世界日报》消息:一名越裔女两天前在休士顿百利大道看完医师,回到家门口时遭三名非裔抢劫。图为越裔女遭跟踪的百利大道。 (记者陈开/摄影)

休士顿一名越裔女8月30日在中国城百利大道看完医师,回到Memorial City Mall附近的家门口时遭三名非裔抢劫,随身背包及珠宝首饰等都被劫走。华裔律师陈文表示,嫌犯作案手法与日前发生的华裔遭劫案相似,她已联合多名侨界人士联名向休士顿市长特纳(Sylvester Turner)写信,希望引起重视,改善该区治安。




据陈律师透露,她已就近期突出的治安问题与包括警局高层在内的多管道取得联系,并交流意见。中国城区域内的中国人活动中心也已加装摄像头。更系统的治安解决方案仍在与各方商讨中。对于华人社区,陈文律师特别大家近期要提高警惕性,多多注意安全。另外,呼吁各位华人献策出力,一同参与维护社区安全。如果你有任何建议,欢迎与陈律师直接联系:[email protected]


The HonorableSylvester Turner
Mayor of the City of Houston
Houston City Hall
901 Bagby St.
Houston, TX 77002

Re: Recent Increasein Crime in Houston Chinatown

Dear Mayor Turner,

On July 13, 14 and25, 2016, there were fourwidely reported robberies in Houston’s Chinatown area. As a result, the Houston Chinese community is increasingly concernedwith the issue of safety in City of Houston and, in particular, the Houston Chinatown area.

Three out of four of these robberies,which include one attempted robbery, had certain striking commonalities. First, they happened at night between the hoursof 9 pm and 12 pm; Second, the suspects were all teenagers; Third, the robbersstole not only the wallets/purses of their victims but also the victim’s cars. Fourth, the locations of the robberies are all very close to each other, i.e. two were on Corporate Drive and one was on Sovereign Drive. Two of the three robberies were reported by Chinese newspapers the very next day. The robbery that occurred on July 25, 2016 was even more violent than the other robberies. It occurred at 1 pm in the parking lot of the Chinese CoummnityCenter, which is located at the corner of Sovereign Drive and Townpark.In addition, the robbers brandished a gun and forced the victim to give up her car and her purse. Information concerning the one attempted robbery was widely disseminated by the ‘Wechat’(text and communication) service among the Chinese community.

After speaking with a Houston police officer, we understand that this is typical summer crimecommitted by teenagers,who do not have to attend school in the morning, and who stay out late and commit crime. However, earlier this year, on April 20 and May 8th, 20th, and 28th, there were four robberies that occurred on Sovereign Drive, Town Park and in other locations near these areas. One occurred in front of the “Houston Huaxia Chinese School”, when the parents of the students were having lunch in their cars, which were parked in the parking lot close to Sovereign Drive. The robberies all occurredin the late morning or during lunch time.From the victim statements to the Chinese newspaper, the suspectswereall teenagers, aged from 13 to 20 years old.

The situation is becoming increasingly intolerable. Therefore, in order to resolve this situation, we propose the following:

1. Increased Police Patrols: We request an increase in the number of police patrols in the Houston Chinatown area, especially at night between the hours of 8 pm and 2 a.m.;

2. Increased Revenue for Security: We propose increasedfunding to the Houston Police Department so that HPD can hire more police officers and improve security across the entire city;

3. Assign a Chief of Police for HPD in the near future. Currently, there is no Chief of Police for HPD. There should be one person from HPD who oversees the overall security and policing of the entireCity of Houston and that individual should be the Chief of Police.

4. Add lights to the Chinatown area. Several streets in Chinatown are very dark at night, particularly Sovereign Drive.

5. Action Group: We recommend that an action group to be formed to develop incentives for at-risk teenagers, especially young male teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds, to stay in school, embrace education, succeed academically, develop professional skills, consider professional career opportunities, set goals and avoid making poor decisions that will put them on the road towards a lifetime of crime;

6. Task Force: Set up a task force to work with teachers, school counselors and parents/guardians to nurture and promote academics, and social and civic responsibility among young people, including young people from disadvantaged backgrounds; and

7. Trade Schools: Work with local unions and industry to develop trade schools in disadvantaged areas of the city where young, at-risk teenagers(who do not intend to attend college or university) can learn useful trades such as welding, plumbing, electrician, carpentry, HVAC, locksmithing, machine technologies, truck driving, small engine repair, etc. so that they can develop professionally and become productive members of society.

The damage from the aforementioned crime not only impacts the Chinese-American community and Houston Chinatown but the entireCity of Houston. For example, with respect to the robbery that happened on July 14, 2016 at 9:20 pm in the parking lot of 6100 Corporate Drive, when the police caught the perpetrators, they were driving the victim’s car and when they tried to escape, they hit another car in the street causing the hospitalization of the driver of thesecond car.

Second, when together, these at-risk young peoplecontinually make poor choices that end up hurting themselves and their community. For example, with respect to the robbery that occurred at 9:20pm in the parking lot of 6100 Corporate Dr. on July 14, when the police caught the perpetrators in the victim’s car, they had been smoking marijuana, as evidenced by the strong odor of marijuana emanating from the car. Thus, these at-risk teenagers made one poor choice after another as part of a joint enterprise to commit crime, which ended up hurting themselves, their community and the victim of the crime.

Third, theseat-risk teenagers commit very serious crimes. For example, with respect to the robbery that occurred at 9:20pm in the parking lot of 6100 Corporate Dr. on July 14, when the police caught the victim’s car with the perpetrators inside it, the only thing left from the victim’s purse in the car were the keys, which were keys to the victim’s home and office. Taken together, with several other signs, it strongly suggests that these suspects were planning to come to the home of the victim to either burglarize the home or commit another robbery.

The perpetrators of the six recent robberies in Chinatown were all teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds. As you once stated, “not every citizen is good.” We must work together to prevent these at-risk teenagers from making poor choices and pursuing a lifetime of crime. These are individuals that could become productive members of the community but they are making terrible choices. We must act to get these at-risk youth back on the right track so that they, together with their parents and guardians, are making good choices with regard to their education and career prospects. This task will not be easy, but the cost of doing nothing will be far greater.

We are livingtogether in this great city and we are all part of the greater Houston community. We would like to see a peaceful, safe and prosperous community in this area. Please help us keep Houston safe, prosperous, and diverse.

Thank you!


Jessica Chen
Attorney of Law Offices of Chen & Associates

Xin Ma
President of Shandong Fellowship Association of Southern USA

Jianwei Feng
Former President of Shandong Fellowship Association of Southern USA

Harry Sun
Former President of Shandong Fellowship Association of Southern USA

Leon Chen
Chairman of the Board &Former President of Guangdong Association of Texas, Board Member of Chinese Civic Center

Ke Chen
Chairman of the Board of Chinese Civic Center

Yuxin Fan
President of the Executive Board of Chinese Civic Center

Wea Lee
Chairman CEO of Southern News Group

Steven Pei
Professor of University of Houston, Board member of Houston 80-20Asian American Political Action Committee

Peter Hwang
Board member of Houston 80-20 Asian American Political Action Committee

Cecil Fong
President of OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates, Board member of Houston of 80-20 Asian American Political Action Committee

Casey Chen
President of Houston Shanghai Association

Bo Wei
President of Sino Professionals Association

Jean Lin
Advisor and 2015 President of GFCBW ( Global Federation of Chinese Business Women)


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