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笑晕!集会演讲遇抗议 奥巴马瞬间转成老爸模式


奥巴马几次试图阻止人群喧闹无效,场面好似一位父亲在制止自己不听话的熊孩子,小编感觉还是原文比较能体会到当时的意境 :)

“Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Hold up. Hey, hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hey,” Obama said, before slapping the podium. “Hold up, hold up, hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up. Listen, listen, listen, listen.

It wasn’t working.

So he tried again, getting stern with the audience.

“Hey, hey, hey, listen up. Everybody, hey, hey, listen up,” he said. “I told you to be focused and you’re not focused right now. Listen to what I’m saying. Hold up.”

Then Obama went full dad.

“Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second. Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second,” he scolded. “Now listen up.”

最好好不容易安静下来了 :)奥巴马很聪明的利用此事宣传了一番。


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