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川普怼CNN的那场新闻发布会 华裔女记者躺枪




如果说Buzzfeed在头几年还是报道娱乐新闻的花边小站,这两年他们在严肃新闻和调查性新闻的方向的招兵买马也是明眼人就能看出来的。这次负责“黄金浴”这篇稿子就有Mark Schoofs:普利策奖得主、从ProPublica挖来专门负责调查新闻的编辑。



这周三,川普提名的国务卿候选人Rex Tillerson在国会接受议员的询问,因为这位前石油公司的总裁与俄国关系匪浅,许多人质疑他是否能够胜任国务卿。





过了没一会儿,网上的小机灵们就“破了案,”他们说这个女人叫Doris Truong,亚裔,性别女,是华盛顿邮报的编辑。

Doris Truong长这个样子:


这条推文获得了4000多的赞和5000多的转推。一时间网上对Doris Truong的骂声四起,说什么的都有:


(Doris Truong出生在科罗拉多州)

连前副总统候选人、前阿拉斯加州长Sarah Palin也转载了右翼媒体的报道,加入了这场讨伐。

看到这里你估计已经猜到了,视频中的亚裔女性并不是Doris Truong。第二天,她在华盛顿邮报中发表了一份声明,下面截取几段:

There’s a joke among Asian Americans that people think we all look the same. That joke became my own personal Pizzagate late Wednesday: I got caught in a terrible case of mistaken identity that was exacerbated by the speed at which false information spreads on social media.


I work as a homepage editor at The Washington Post. Because Wednesday was my day off, I hadn’t been online much. But before I went to bed, I noticed a message request on Facebook. Someone I didn’t know asked: “Any comment on you taking photos of Rex Tillerson’s notes?”

我是华盛顿邮报的首页编辑。周三我不上班,就没怎么上网。在我睡觉前,我看见了脸书上的一条信息请求。一个我不认识的人问我:“对你拍Rex Tilerson笔记这件事,你有什么回应吗?”

...By the time I woke up, trolls had commented on social media channels besides Twitter. My Facebook feed had dozens of angry messages from people I didn’t know, as did comments on my Instagram account. Even my rarely used YouTube channel attracted attention. My emails and my voicemail included messages calling me “pathetic” and a “sneaky thief.”


A lot of the comments also focused on my Chinese heritage, implying — or outright stating — that I must be spying for China. Some called for an FBI investigation of what they deemed illegal behavior.

许多这些的评论关注在我的中国血统上,暗示着 -- 或者直接说 -- 我一定是中国的奸细。有的人叫FBI调查这件他们认为是非法的行为。

...The woman at the hearing wasn’t me. I wasn’t there, and I don’t know who she is. What we have in common is that we’re both women, and we’re both Asian. However, that should not be enough grounds for people to jump to dangerous conclusions.


...But even if people believed that the person at the hearing wasn’t me, they wanted to know who she was. And that’s what’s particularly alarming about this time in our society: Why are people so quick to look for someone to condemn? And during the confusion about the woman’s identity, why is it presumed that she is a journalist? Or that taking pictures of notes in an open hearing is illegal? Or, for that matter, that she was even taking pictures of Tillerson’s notes?


...The whole episode is not going to drive me off social media, which provides a way for me to connect with people across the miles, including strangers, and to be exposed to a diversity of opinions — including ones I disagree with. But I hope the ridiculousness of what happened to me in less than 12 hours makes others think critically before sharing something that can be easily disproved. For one thing, as a homepage editor, I rarely report from the field. I was not at the Tillerson hearing Wednesday. It would have been very easy to figure that out from a quick Google search or just looking at The Post’s website.


And I hope people will give the woman who was at the hearing a chance to explain her actions before questioning her motives.


这件事情远远没有收尾。在Doris Truong发了声明之后,另一位亚裔记者,Lisa Song也躺了枪。Lisa Song在Inside Climate做记者,2015年,她对Rex Tillerson老东家Exxon做过深度报道。








只可惜在一切都变得脸谱化的今天,真相根本就不是许多人追求的东西。直到现在,在社交媒体上搜Doris Truong和Lisa Song的名字,依旧能够看到指控她们的假新闻被转载。更有人说,就算她们没有拍Tillerson的笔记,她们依然是给“无良媒体”工作的人,被骂是罪有应得。




网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。