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  3. 特朗普夫人和女儿服装体现“美国优先” /




当天,梅拉尼娅·特朗普以一身蓝色礼服亮相,长手套和鞋子都选择了同色系,给人非常亮眼的感觉。美国知名设计师拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren品牌创始人)为她设计了这件礼服。


特朗普的女儿伊万卡当天穿着一身白色礼服参加典礼,同样是美国品牌奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(Oscar de la Renta),她在前一天也穿了同一设计师的服装。由于伊万卡拥有自己的时尚品牌,此前还有猜测称她可能穿自家品牌出现。穿其他品牌可能是为了防止外界批评其不够公私分明。

Ecstatic: The back of Melania's double-sided cashmere dress with jacket showcased how perfectly tailored the outfit was for her

Waterproof: Melania somehow managed to stay completely dry throughout the day despite the rainfall

Looking after her guy: Melania adjust Barron's tie ahead of his father's swearing in on Friday

President Trump and his Wife Melania and the rest of the Trump family watch the Inaugaration Parade from the White House

Enter front and center: melania makes her way on to the main stage at the inauguration on Friday

She pulled out a clear umbrella when rain started to fall during her husband's speech

Melania beamed on the dais - made extra radiant by her sizable diamond earrings

The couple looked serious as they stood together before the parade began Friday afternoon

The couple walked side by side, with Barron out in front, during the inaugural parade

First lady favorite: Hillary Clinton is also a big fan of Ralph Lauren, and frequently wore his pantsuits on the campaign trail


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