1. 无忧资讯 /
  2. 移民 /
  3. 就业前景好薪资待遇优的语言病理学专业 /


众所周知,加拿大听力学与语言病理学专业(Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology)就业前景可观、薪资待遇丰厚,因此受到了不少学生和家长的青睐,纷纷不远万里的前来留学。加拿大目前设置语言病理学专业的名校有西安大略大学,多伦多大学,蒙特利尔大学,达尔豪斯大学等等。


常见专业别称:语言病理学(Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology)



研究工作是该大学的使命的一个重要部分,对研究工作的校外资助总额将近2.97亿元,政府资助总额外 3.1亿。 大学与其附属学院的教学人员总数大约为1200人,其中社会科学系聘用的教学人员最多。

该大学的12个系、学院及三个附属学院共提供超过60种学位及文凭。2007年,西安大略大学凭借其强大的实力持续在麦克林等权威杂志大学排名中医学博士类名列第三(其中在中立性政治背景的加拿大邮报和 MCCLEAN杂志的博士医学类排行榜中排名第二),并长期占据福布斯及焦点世界大学一百强排行榜的一席位。

西安大略大学共由医学院、自然科学院、毅纬商学院、音乐学院,混合工程学院等组成,设有休伦大学学院、国王学院和布雷舍尔女子学院三个分院,设有人文、教育、工程、健康科学等十个系。 西安大略大学,是位于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的一所国际顶尖的医学博士类公立大学,被誉为“加拿大的哈佛”,同时,Ivey商学院及本部医学院享有极高的国际声誉和影响力,并在案例法教育上及小型化低耗性外科手术两大领域上承前启后,取得举世瞩目的成就。

除此之外,西安大略大学在其他研究项目也拥有极强的实力。西安大略大学在体表风洞、可替代性能源、小型化工业用引擎、食品营养学等领域上有深厚的造诣,在国际上居领先地位。 由于西安大略大学具有深厚的垄断性金融财团背景,且为加国自1870年起新工商贵族及其家族培养后备人才的基地,因而西安大略大学在加拿大及泛北美地区的保守党 —垄断性金融财团联盟有巨大的影响力。



听力学家和语言病理学家 (Audiologists and speech-language pathologists)


Audiologists diagnose, evaluate and treat individuals with peripheral and central hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems. Speech-language pathologists diagnose, assess and treat human communication disorders including speech, fluency, language, voice and swallowing disorders. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists are employed in hospitals, community and public health centres, extended care facilities, day clinics, rehabilitation centres and educational institutions, or may work in private practice. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists who are supervisors are included in this unit group.

听力学家和语言病理学家头衔范例 Example Titles

* 听力学家 audiologist
* 认证听力学家 certified audiologist
* 临床听力学家 clinical audiologist
* 教育语言语音病理学家 educational speech-language pathologist
* 听力师 research audiologist
* 言语治疗师 speech therapist
* 言语语言医生 speech-language clinician

听力学家和语言病理学家主要职责 Main duties

听力学家 Audiologists 主要职责

* 利用专门的仪器和电子设备来开发并执行听力检测及考试,以便诊断并评估患者听觉障碍的程度和类型;
Develop and administer audiometric tests and examinations using specialized instruments and electronic equipment to diagnose and evaluate the degree and type of patients' hearing impairment

* 为患者计划并实施诊治及康复项目,包括助听器和教学演讲(唇语)阅读等设备的筛选、匹配及调整;
Plan and implement habilitation/rehabilitation programs for patients, including selection, fitting and adjustment of amplification devices, such as hearing aids, and teaching speech (lip) reading

* 为患者及其家庭提供关于听力缺损及治疗的性质、程度、作用及影响等信息;Provide information to patients and families regarding the nature, extent, impact and implications of hearing loss and treatment

* 作为跨专业团队的一员确立个性化的护理计划;
Establish personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team

* 针对听力及听力障碍展开研究;
Conduct research related to hearing and hearing disorders

* 指导并监督听力医生、学生机其他卫生保健人员。
May instruct and supervise audiometric technicians, students and other health care personnel.

语言病理学家 Speech-language pathologists 主要职责

* 通过检测测试机对患者的观察以诊断并评估言语、语音、共振、语言、诊治语言及吞咽障碍等;
Administer tests and examinations and observe patients to diagnose and evaluate speech, voice, resonance, language, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders

* 确定、计划并实施治疗计划来纠正以上问题;
Develop, plan and implement remedial programs to correct speech, voice, language, resonance, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders

* 作为跨团队成员来建立团队及个性化护理计划;
Establish group and personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team

* 为患者及其家庭提供关于交流及吞咽障碍方面的建议和指导;
Provide advice and educational services to patients and families regarding communication and swallowing disorders

* 就言语和其他沟通障碍进行研究,并开发设计诊断程序和设备;
Conduct research on speech and other communication disorders and on the development and design of diagnostic procedures and devices

* 指导并监督沟通障碍医助、学生和其他卫生保健人员。
May instruct and supervise communicative disorders assistants, students and other health care personnel.

听力学家和语言病理学家任职要求 Employment requirements

* 听力学家需拥有听力学硕士学位;
Audiologists require a master's degree in audiology.

* 语言病理学家需拥有语言病理学硕士学位;
Speech-language pathologists require a master's degree in speech-language pathology.

* 听力学家及语言病理学家均需在新不伦瑞克省、魁北克省、安大略省、萨斯科彻温省、阿尔伯塔省及大不列哥伦比亚省的管理部门注册;
Registration with a regulatory body is required for audiologists and speech-language pathologists in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

* 需是国家协会和加拿大语言病理学家及听力学家协会的会员;
Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, is usually required.

* 在部分辖区内,语言学家需取得发放助听器材的执照。
In some jurisdictions, audiologists may be required to obtain a separate licence to dispense hearing aids.

听力学家和语言病理学家附加说明 Additional information

* 工作经验方面可能需要位于管理岗位,如首席听力学家和语言语音病理学主任等。
Progression into management positions, such as chief audiologist or director of speech-language pathology, is possible with experience.

听力学家和语言病理学家其他分类 Classified elsewhere

* 语言学及语言技术助理 Audiology and speech-language technical and assisting occupations (in [3237](3237) Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment )
* 盲文、唇读及授予教师 Braille, lip-reading and sign language instructors (in [4215](4215) Instructors of persons with disabilities )
* 卫生保健经理 Managers in health care ([0311](0311))
* 语音矫正师 Phoniatricians (in [3111](3111) Specialist physicians )

听力学家和语言病理学家职称头衔 Titles

* 扩增听力学家 amplification audiologist
* 听力学家 audiologist
* 听力学研究学者 audiologist, research
* 临床听力医师 audiology clinician
* 听力学专家 audiology specialist
* 认证听力学家 certified audiologist
* 认证助听器听力学家 certified hearing aid audiologist
* 临床听力学家 clinical audiologist
* 社区听力学家 community audiologist
* 社区语言病理学家 community speech-language pathologist
* 诊断听力学家 diagnostic audiologist
* 配药听力学家 dispensing audiologist
* 教育听力学家 educational audiologist
* 教育语言病理学家 educational speech-language pathologist
* 沟通障碍专家 human communication disorders specialist
* 工业听力学家 industrial audiologist
* 言语矫治学家 logopedist
* 言语病理学家 pathologist, speech
* 语言病理学家 pathologist, speech-language
* 儿科听力学家 pediatric audiologist
* 听力师 research audiologist
* 听力学专家 specialist, audiology
* 语听治疗师 speech and hearing therapist
* 语言病理医师 speech pathologist
* 语言治疗师 speech therapist
* 言语语言病医师 speech-language clinician
* 语言病理学家 speech-language pathologist
* 言语语言病理临床医生 speech-language pathologist clinician
* 言语语言病理学者 speech-language pathologist researcher
* 言语治疗师 therapist, speech
* 言语及听力治疗师 therapist, speech and hearing



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