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美国福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)援引巴拉克·奥巴马25年前未发布过的手稿称,奥巴马在成为美国总统之前,曾梦想成为像如今他的接班人唐纳德·特朗普一样成功的商人。

据该电视台报道,1988至1991年间,后来44岁当上美国总统的奥巴马在马萨诸塞州哈佛大学法学院就读时写下过这样的愿望,相关手稿内容被5月9日即将问世的奥巴马传记《新星》(Rising Star)收录。




More than two decades before he railed against Donald Trump’s “temperament” and “core values,” a young Barack Obama dreamed of becoming the billionaire businessman.

Obama revealed his idolization of The Donald – and what he stood for – in a never-published book written with a classmate during his Harvard Law School days, portions of which are published in the upcoming Obama biography “Rising Star.”

Americans have a “continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility,” Obama wrote in the manuscript, revealed in a Washington Post book review. “The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average American — I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don’t make it, my children will.”

Obama wrote the discarded book, alternately referred to as “Transformative Politics” or “Promises of Democracy: Hopeful Critiques of American Ideology,” with classmate Rob Fisher during Obama’s enrollment at Harvard from 1988-1991. More than 25 years later, Obama, now a former president, has given a far different evaluation of Trump, the current president who has promised to undo much of Obama’s White House legacy and was a frequent critic of Obama during his tenure in the Oval Office.

After Trump launched a fruitless campaign questioning whether Obama was born in the U.S., Obama, as president, viciously needled Trump during a White House Correspondents Dinner speech in 2011 – with Trump looking on stoically.

Obama in October derided Trump as “insecure enough that he pumps himself up by putting others down – not a character trait that I would advise in the Oval Office.” The ex-president has also criticized his successor via a spokesperson since leaving office.


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