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  3. 特朗普在正式国情咨文演讲前向他开炮 /



I see Schumer is already criticizing my State of the Union speech, even though he hasn’t seen it yet. He’s just upset that he didn’t win the Senate, after spending a fortune, like he thought he would. Too bad we weren’t given more credit for the Senate win by the media!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2019
美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)于2月5日10时29分发推(Twitter)称,“我看到舒默(Chuck Schumer)已经在批评我的国情咨文演讲了,尽管他甚至还没看到这个演讲。他只是感到沮丧,因为在他花了一大笔钱后,也没能如他所愿地赢得参议院。 很糟糕的是,我们在参议院的胜利没有得到媒体更多的赞誉!”

President Trump will report tonight on the state of our union.

But, the state of the Trump economy is failing America’s middle class.

The state of the Trump healthcare system is failing American families.

The state of the Trump Administration is chaos. https://t.co/TFZmaoD2Jw

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 5, 2019


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