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墨西哥人华金·“矮子”·(El Chapo)古兹曼于本周二在美国一家法院被判有罪,罪名是经营一家向美国走私毒品的犯罪集团。


今年61岁的古兹曼是锡那罗亚贩毒集团(Sinaloa Cartel)的头目,在2016年被捕之前,他曾两次从戒备森严的墨西哥监狱越狱。定于6月25日在纽约举行的听证会上,古兹曼可能面临终身监禁。

“Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado is also known as ADX for “administrative maximum.” The facility is so secure, so remote and so austere that it has been called the “Alcatraz of the Rockies.” https://t.co/aaywrr8QNY

— TorontoStar (@TorontoStar) February 14, 2019

美国当局对古兹曼将被关押在哪里守口如瓶。但自从他于2017年1月被引渡到美国以来,人们普遍预计,如果罪名成立,他将被送往ADX 。

纽约约翰杰伊刑事司法学院(John Jay College of Criminal Justice)教授库查斯基(L. Thomas Kucharski)说:“对古兹曼这样的人来说,从那样的监狱逃脱的机会是零。”

ADX是全美唯一达到超高度安全级别(supermax)的监狱,位于丹佛以南约115英里的偏远地区,由多座监狱组成。这座监狱绰号“落基山脉的恶魔岛”(Alcatraz of the Rockies),得名于上世纪30年代关押黑帮头目阿尔·卡彭(Al Capone)和其他臭名昭著的罪犯。目前关押的402人中包括1970年代后期至1990年代中寄送连串炸弹邮包的“大学炸弹客”(Unabomber)卡辛斯基(Ted Kaczynski)、波士顿马拉松炸弹案主谋查纳耶夫(Dzhokhar Tsarnaev),以及911事件共谋者穆萨维(Zacarias Moussaoui)。



It’s going to take quite a prison to keep El Chapo behind bars: Welcome to ADX Florence https://t.co/Lop3w2VgMu pic.twitter.com/qf3s6ujXka

— National Post (@nationalpost) February 13, 2019

Why so frantic? Your future home SORT of has that gold-ish color you like in you interior decor. Maybe El Chapo will be your cellmate at ADX...#LockHimUp pic.twitter.com/BilGrFEov4

— Mastermind (@hellonwheels222) February 14, 2019

Be my ADX Florence cellmate? - El Chapo's Valentine to Trump. #TrumpRussia pic.twitter.com/7X9H1pESMp

— Power VO (@PowerVoiceOver) February 14, 2019

El Chapo escaped two prisons in Mexico — but no one’s ever busted out of the American ‘ADX’ - The Washington Post: * El Chapo escaped two prisons in Mexico — but no one’s ever busted out of the American ‘ADX’ The Washington Post * 'Alcatraz Of The… https://t.co/3QdVlTojII pic.twitter.com/ckUGDEYuyI

— Health Jobs Alabama (@HealthJobsAL) February 14, 2019

El Chapo likely headed to “Alcatraz of the Rockies”: June 25, 2019 -- Following his conviction for drug smuggling Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is likely to spend the rest of his life at a U.S. maximum security jail. Graphic shows the whereabouts of the ADX… https://t.co/iNlIXD4f4W pic.twitter.com/gQtjj5azBX

— Graphic News (@GNgraphicnews) February 13, 2019

El Chapo escaped two prisons in Mexico, but no one’s ever busted out of ‘the ADX’ - The Washington Post https://t.co/EDwqURb8A0 pic.twitter.com/Nvdb7OK2NF

— Covensure Brokerage (@CovensureLLC) February 14, 2019

Los companeros de Carcel que tendra el Chapo Guzman cuando sea traslado a la prision desde New York, despues de ser condenado hoy a cadena perpetua https://t.co/X67Dj29m0x

— EcoNewsAgency (@EcoNewsAgency) February 12, 2019


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