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  3. 休斯敦罕见暴雨洪水 更猛烈降雨还在路上 /

休斯敦遭遇罕见暴雨洪水 更猛烈降雨还在路上

虽然理论上要到6月才进入飓风季,但一轮猛烈的强降雨已经给休斯敦的多个地区带来了洪涝灾害。始于7日的这轮降雨在当天下午及夜间导致本德堡县和哈里斯县的多地受损,休斯敦市、舒格兰市(Sugar Land)、尼德维尔市(Needville)、罗森伯格市(Rosenberg)等地区的多个区域因为路面积水而封闭,甚至在个别区域还出现了公路垮塌的现象。在进入周三白天以后,虽然大部分路段暂时恢复通行,但根据天气预报,周三下午还会有一轮强风暴,而本周四到周六之间可能还会有大范围洪水,整个降雨过程将持续到下周四左右。

“Rain, sleet or snow!” This USPS driver was able to safely maneuver through rising floodwaters as heavy rain batters the Houston area. https://t.co/b5hl0ewTNM pic.twitter.com/Bja1P4f6uf

— ABC News (@ABC) May 8, 2019

7日晚的暴雨,使得许多地方在短时间内下了8至10英寸的降雨,休斯敦北部和西南部地区普遍泛洪,很多人被困在路上回不了家,不少高速路段拥堵不堪。在克里夫兰独立学区(Cleveland isd)的Southside Elementary School,一度有约800名学生被困在学校里无法安全回家,待家长陆续将孩子们接走后,仍有约60名学生最后只能待在学校体育馆里过夜,好在学校处置及时,给孩子们安排了晚餐、早餐,并提供夜间取暖的垫子和被子。至8日上午,克里夫兰独立学区以及本德堡独立学区的四所学校均因为洪水而宣布停学一天。

To help Texans with flooding the next few days, we have placed response resources in areas across the state. We have activated additional rescue boats to support our local partners in the Houston & Harris County area. Stay safe & heed warnings. #txlege https://t.co/Vw5sh05MEj

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 8, 2019


文学城前方记者 摄



Stranded cars, a parade of tow trucks, and flooded streets in #SugarLand, Texas to the south west of #Houston. More than a foot of rain fell here in an 18 hour period. People are concerned about more rain as their drainage system is maxed out. @weatherchannel has live coverage. pic.twitter.com/1wjfaeElZh

— Justin Michaels (@JMichaelsNews) May 8, 2019

Flash Flooding Inundates Houston Area as Storms Spawn Heavy Rain, Tornadoes Across Plains: https://t.co/69DQ7SAP2k pic.twitter.com/QzMKGzTW2o

— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) May 8, 2019

Flooding continues to develop in the Houston metro area where 6+ inches of rain has fallen. As the sun sets, it is time to stay off the roads for the night. You will not be able to see how deep flood waters are. Just stay home. pic.twitter.com/eucOKZoJJt

— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) May 8, 2019


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