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“Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?” Attorney General William Barr asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi as he crossed paths with her at the US Capitol.

Pelosi said the House Sergeant at Arms was present should an arrest be necessary, a witness told @ABC. https://t.co/cZAA7GGjdu pic.twitter.com/Ax3oAfWtpS

— ABC News (@ABC) May 16, 2019

5月15日,美国总统特朗普于华盛顿国会出席第38届国家和平官员追思会纪念活动,纪念因公殉职的执法人员。1962年,肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)签署命令把5月15号定为维护和平执法人员纪念日(Peace Officers Memorial Day),15号在内的这个星期为美国警察周。美国维护和平执法人员纪念,开始于1982年。

Pelosi warns Trump against war in Mideast; Dems demand info https://t.co/AdkoxfJgWs pic.twitter.com/7aQNSi61aW

— Military Times (@MilitaryTimes) May 15, 2019

Trump speaks at National Peace Officers' Memorial Day service - Fox News https://t.co/DpPoaFoXL6 pic.twitter.com/wRz61dSmiq

— Noticiero (@lokovoy) May 15, 2019

5月15日,美国总统特朗普于华盛顿国会出席第38届国家和平官员追思会纪念活动,纪念因公殉职的执法人员。1962年,肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)签署命令把5月15号定为维护和平执法人员纪念日(Peace Officers Memorial Day),15号在内的这个星期为美国警察周。美国维护和平执法人员纪念,开始于1982年。

Today, Members of Congress gathered with President Trump and Vice President Pence in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day to remember officers killed in the line of duty. pic.twitter.com/qgoM3I5hqr

— Office of the CAO (@CAOHouse) May 15, 2018


On this Peace Officers Memorial Day, President Trump addressed attendees at the 37th Annual Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremony at the Capitol, and honored the family and partner of fallen #NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia. #LAPD was there in support and solidarity. pic.twitter.com/5EOXtyyOjQ

— LAPPL (@LAPPL) May 15, 2018


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