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  3. 川普推文:美国被关税恐怖主义戕害50年 /


美国总统川普4日早上推文宣称,对中国态度就是要硬,还说欧洲正剉咧等,担心美国对付完中国,下一个就轮到自己。川普表示,其他国家长期对美国课高关税,不要逃避现实。川普宣称,美国遭“关税恐怖主义”(Tariff Terrorism)戕害达50年,他不会让美国继续吃亏。

“The Chinese are very adept at not accepting anything. You’ve got to be very tough, and that’s what Trump is doing. It’s in China’s interest to correct, and I think we’ll end up with a solution that’s dramatically better than we have today. Frankly, I think the impact of what...

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2019

....Trump is doing to China is not lost on the rest of the world. Europe has had among the most protectionist policies forever. They’re sitting there and saying, gee, are we next? Maybe you are! We’ve got to change the rules. The U.S. can’t defend the world and pay for it....

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2019


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