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美女星获刑14天 网友:法律为富有白人开恩

10月25日,《绝望主妇》的主演之一费莉西蒂·赫夫曼(Felicity Huffman)要去监狱报到了。




“Desperate Housewives” star Felicity Huffman was sentenced Friday to 14 days in prison for paying 15,000 U.S。 dollars to rig her daughter‘s SAT scores。 Huffman must report for her prison sentence in six weeks。 She must also pay a 30,000-U.S。-dollar fine and perform 250 hours of community service。




信中,赫夫曼梳理了从接受升学咨询到同意贿赂作弊的心路历程,并表示女儿从小一直有 “学习障碍”(learning disabilities),让她始终恐慌女儿无法申请到理想的学校。

“Sophia 对表演一直充满热情。但是辛格(Singer)告诉我,她的SAT分数太低了,如果还是不能大幅度提高,她将无法获得任何一个理想学校的试镜机会。”









In a letter asking for leniency this month, Huffman said she turned to the scheme after her daughter‘s dream of going to college and pursuing a career in acting were jeopardized by her low math score。

“I honestly didn‘t and don’t care about my daughter going to a prestigious college,” Huffman wrote。 “I just wanted to give her a shot at being considered for a program where her acting talent would be the deciding factor。”

“I would like to apologize again to my daughter, my husband, my family and the educational community for my actions,” Huffman said in an emailed statement after the sentencing hearing。 “And I especially want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices supporting their children。”





2011年,时年33岁的无家可归的母亲坦尼娅·麦克道威尔(Tanya McDowell)为了“给儿子更好的教育”,冒用他人的住址把儿子“非法”送到非自己所在区域的学校,检方认为麦克道威尔从学校窃取了价值近1.6万美元的教育资源。




她接受了诉讼交易(plea bargain),最终被判12年刑期,在监狱服刑5年后,再服5年缓刑,且同时服两项罪名的刑罚。



亚特兰大案件中一位被告的律师鲍勃·鲁宾(Bob Rubin)说,“我不希望赫夫曼被判更长时间的刑期,但我希望我的客户刑期更短。”

“在这个国家,当你有钱——尤其是有钱又是白人,你面对的是不同的司法制度,”俄亥俄司法和政策中心的执行主管大卫·辛格尔顿(David Singleton)说:“但判赫夫曼入狱不会解决这个问题。”

The scandal has exposed the lengths to which parents will go to get their children into the “right” school and reinforced suspicions that the college admissions process favors the rich。

In sentencing Huffman, U.S。 District Judge Indira Talwani said the outrage surrounding the case “isn‘t because people discovered that it isn’t a true meritocracy out there,” but because Huffman took steps “to get one more advantage” in a system “already so distorted by money and privilege。”

Prosecutors had sought a month in prison for Huffman, while her lawyers said she should get probation。


Lori Loughlin in a Full House poster/ Photo via Amazon.com


“这些知名演员、公司CEO、时装设计师、以及跨国律所的联合创始人,”作为家长,滥用自己的财富和特权,利用欺诈手段,为子女买来了名校录取书,负责办案的检察官Andrew Leelling于3月份在新闻发布会上表示。

Screenshot via CNN


A total of 51 people have been charged in the scheme, the biggest college admissions case ever prosecuted by the Justice Department。 Prosecutors said some parents manipulated test scores and bribed coaches to get their children into elite schools by having them labeled as recruited athletes for sports they didn‘t even play。

Huffman paid 15,000 U.S。 dollars to boost her older daughter‘s SAT scores with the help of William “Rick” Singer, an admission consultant at the center of the controversy。 Singer, who has pleaded guilty, allegedly bribed a test proctor to correct the teenager’s answers。 Huffman pleaded guilty in May to a single count of conspiracy and fraud as part of a deal with prosecutors。


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