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1、Des Chan

Travel for slightly more than half stadium distance it stop working? Truly China made。


2、The Truth Seeker(回复Des Chan)

Indian trolls are back in action here again. What shameless bunch of jokers they are.As an American, I pay tribute to China.


3、rogers owen(回复Des Chan)

I wish you can live in China for some time. Your prejudice, arrogance and ignorance are astounding.


4、Jason Warsong

Can't wait for a few days? You just wanted to rub it in. Can't you wait a few days to announce the news? Don't forget that one of your neighbors next door has just achieved 90% of the success... Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha


5、Tapis T

It just ran into the moon's night after travelling 200 meters. Solar powered planet rovers move unbelievably slow, because most the energy they receive are spent on keeping the system warm. Everything is in reason,It took the Curiosity rover 7 years to run just 13 miles.


6、Manas Daah

Yes, although everything seems very slow,but 280 meters is a RECORD for ANY lunar device. It did not fail it just went to sleep after doing what was planned and will wake up again the next lunar day.

是的,虽然一切显得十分缓慢, 但是280米是所有月球行进装置创造的记录。它没有失败,只是按照计划休眠,并将在下一个月球白天醒来。

7、chandra subba

Best of luck china,Congratulations! china from india. I hope this rover find some new observation in its exploration. Wish India and my country (success too in our lunar exploration



Congratulation to China from Pakistan,Landing on the far side of the moon is more difficult than landing on the moon's polar regions.",There is no one to reach successfully to moon's South pole yet China technologies is the best and beyond.


The slumdogs now have a new reason for butt hurt against China.



In 21st century space technology has improved a lot nd when China launched its 2 moon missions in 2013 & 2019 it all went success.


The Indians can learn from the failures of Russia China nd America nd also today the Space Technology has risen upto the advance level but still India failed nd wasted $142 millions on its space mission instead of spending such a huge amount to the poors residing in the country.


India is still living in a huge poverty.


For your kind information i am not Pakistani I am Indian."


10、Gyanendra Sapkota

As an Indian, I am ashamed of your remarks.


Aud ience India has already send satellite in march and has successfully send 104 satellite in single rocket as for your kind information chandrayan 1 was successfully landed on moon and now chandrayan 2 has just tried to land on difficult south pole of moon and it is succeed


11、Aud ience(回复Gyanendra Sapkota)

you are ignorant or ill informed. Chandrayaan 1 was an orbiter not rover that lands on moon. India has technologies deficiencies of landing vehicles. Hence the current failure. And your 104 satellites are all mini satellites weighing


12、Gyanendra Sapkota(回复Aud ience)

It's just your imagination. India has visited Mars. Lunar exploration is nothing complicated for India. You are really ignorant!


13、Aud ience(回复Gyanendra Sapkota)

@Gyanendra Sapkota my advice stop lying if you are not ignorant. Lying is a bad habit and will have problem for you in future anywhere in your life.


14、MrKratosndante(回复Aud ience)

haha..instead of landing on moon...should tackle rape problem 1st XD


15、Earth lover(回复MrKratosndante)

There is a history who lost and succeed. But nothing will be there who has just watched and commented.


India did not lose the mission only landing is failure



As an onlooker in France, what I want to say is, Not much boasting from china but showing the talk . . . not like its neighbor talking and blowing hot air to the moon


17、tvb nut(回复Gyanendra Sapkota)

you e not in our league fool. We make the fastest and most supercomputers. We make soc chips like Kirin 990 and ascend 910 that even USA can compete with and start yelling theft, that their sorry losers excuse. Don even get me to mention engines and the naval ships. Not in our class.


18、Nsm S(回复tvb nut)

but there is a history who succeeded and failed and not like those who watched and commented like mentioned above. I am not comparing china but you discriminate other nations a lot. Only few countries landed on the moon


It is first landing mission from india and it lost. Even china had lost mars mission. Space is hard. lol ..... peace and love to all.


19、tvb nut

I am sorry for the offence I just made. I have to say that you are a sensible Indian. I am just dissatisfied with the arrogance of "Gyanendra Sapkota" and have no intention of offending India.

我对刚才的冒犯感到抱歉。我不得不说你是个明智的印度人。我只是不满“Gyanendra Sapkota”的傲慢,无意冒犯印度。

20、Earth lover

Congratulations from India,I have always believed that confrontation will not help to solve the difficulties. China and India are both big powers in Asia. We do not have many intrinsic conflicts of interest. We should work together to achieve success. Look, China's millet mobile phones are doing very well in India. They are sought after by most young Indians.



As a Chinese, I still respect India very much. After all, even today, only three countries have done it, not even Britain and France.


Despite India's failure, At least there was an attempt from India. Not many other countries can claim sending a mission to outer space.


As neighbouring countries, we should coexist peacefully and guard against any ulterior motives. Long live the friendship between China and India.







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