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3天500领航鲸搁浅 从空中看触目惊心


澳洲南部塔斯马尼亚州(Tasmania)一座偏远海港附近,过去三天来已有多达近五百头长肢领航鲸(long-finned pilot whale)搁浅,酿成澳洲史上最惨烈的鲸鱼搁浅纪录。

澳洲官员二十三日证实,至少三八○头鲸鱼已经死亡,救援人员正积极抢救剩馀鲸鱼。塔斯马尼亚州环境当局表示,这些鲸鱼受困在麦夸利港(Macquarie Harbour)两处不同沙洲,空中监测小组认为牠们多半已经死亡。约二七○头鲸鱼二十一日被发现搁浅后,当局展开大规模救援行动,出动装有特殊吊索的船只引导受困鲸鱼重返海上。

此前,一九九六年有三二○头领航鲸搁浅在西澳州(Western Australia),邻国纽西兰在二○一七年也曾发生约六百头领航鲸受困事件。(美联社、法新社)

The mass whale beaching off the Australian island of Tasmania has shone a new light on the phenomenon that has puzzled marine biologists for years, and continues to do so https://t.co/g3RMpWu3b0 pic.twitter.com/yyAJH3EqvA

— Reuters (@Reuters) September 23, 2020


Rescuers in Tasmania free 25 stranded pilot whales, but 90 already dead https://t.co/lEpAUQKWPw

— Blue Planet Society (@Seasaver) September 22, 2020


Marine biologists are planning the rescue of around 270 whales stranded on a sandbar off the remote west coast of the Australian island of Tasmania https://t.co/0j6qCNRvJl pic.twitter.com/UmwkiTM4xN

— Reuters (@Reuters) September 21, 2020

No words

Marine conservation experts are starting to plan a massive rescue operation on Tasmania's West Coast tonight as 270 pilot whales remain stranded.

: Cameron Atkins for @abcnews pic.twitter.com/1Rv0SK0m3v

— Monte Bovill (@MonteBovill) September 21, 2020


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