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  3. 美6岁男童公路上遭枪杀 他死前哭喊好痛 /

美6岁男童公路上遭枪杀 他死前哭喊妈妈我好痛


综合外媒报导,洛杉矶一名妈妈21日开车载着6岁儿子里欧斯(Aiden Leos)出门,当时里欧斯就坐在后座右方的安全座椅上。结果车子开到55号公路往北的Garden Grove 22号公路及Chapman Avenue路段时,疑似挡到后方白色轿车,驾驶飞速超车后,竟摇下车窗对着他们开了几枪,接着加速逃逸。

Memorial grows for a six year old boy killed in a road rage freeway shooting. Suspect shot through the back of the car and the bullet hit a 6 year-old boy and killed him. The community mourns as the media continues to cover this story.#RoadRageShooting#AidenLeos#PrayForFamily — Tommy Harris Jr. Photog @KCBS @KCAL @CBSNEWSPATH (@pictureman415) May 23, 2021


After 6-year-old Aiden Leos was fatally shot while riding in a car with his mom on the 55 Freeway in Orange, his heartbroken sister spoke about the tragic loss. Family and police are urging the public to come forward with any information to help them track down the shooter. — VM (@vmvisualmania) May 22, 2021


目前警方正在积极调阅监视器进行调查,据了解当时白色车上坐着一男一女,他们也鼓励民众提供行车纪录器帮忙抓住嫌犯。另外依据美国枪枝暴力档案(Gun Violence Archive)网站数据,今年美国已经有119名11岁以下的儿童死于枪枝暴力。


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