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加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)于3月21日,消除种族歧视国际日,就近期关于与中国政府涉嫌干预加拿大选举相关的某些政治定性和一些媒体对此的不当言论,致公开信与加拿大总理暨加拿大自由党领袖Justin Trudeau,官方反对党、加拿大保守党领袖Pierre Poilievre、加拿大新民主党领袖Jagmeet Singh和加拿大绿党领袖Elizabeth May,呼吁他们关注华人担忧,避免殃及池鱼和引发新的种族歧视。CPAC日前收到加拿大总理办公室的回复,信中肯定了华裔对加拿大做出的杰出贡献,严厉谴责反华裔种族主义,同时表示开启联邦大选干预调查,对外国干预绝不容忍。







正如总理在2023年3月6日所宣布的,我们的两个国家安全组织 — 国会国家安全与情报委员会(NSICOP)和国家安全与情报审查局(NSIRA)- 将对外国在第43届和第44届联邦选举中的干涉问题进行审查。


我们政府正在采取进一步的行动,任命David Johnston阁下为外国干涉问题独立特别报告员。他将审查加拿大的国家安全监督结构设置,并建议任何其它必要的行动。如果有必要,他还将建议其他的机制或过程来回答任何没有回答的问题,包括进行正式的公开调查。我们将实施他所有的建议。




Jean-Luc Marion



加拿大中国专业人士协会是在加拿大联邦政府注册的非营利组织,拥有移民专业人士会员30,000多名,多年来以组织规范、制度健全、服务专业和代表性广泛而备受加拿大社会各界瞩目。成立30年来,CPAC秉承服务移民专业人士的宗旨, 全方位提供专业培训和就业与职业发展服务,并于近年逐渐致力于有关加拿大华人权益的研究、教育和培训,努力促进加拿大社会的公平、多元与共容。



Dear Mr. Wang:
I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence.
Canadians of Chinese heritage have greatly contributed to Canada. Anti-Asian racism has no place inCanada. The Prime Minister has strongly condemned the racism, violence, and hate Asian communitiesin Canada are facing, and will continue to do so.
Safeguarding Canada's democracy is a vital and non-partisan issue, one that our government takes veryseriously. To uphold the integrity of our elections, we established our Plan to Protect Democracy, whichincludes the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol (Protocol). Through the Protocol, an independentpanel comprising of senior public servants, and informed by the work of our national security agencies,monitor attempted election interference. They are mandated to notify Canadians in the event of athreat to the integrity of a General Election. The panels in both the 2019 and 2021 elections concludedthat while there were attempts at foreign interference, the elections were free and fair.
We will never tolerate foreign interference. That is why Minister Mendicino launched consultations on aCanadian Foreign Influence Transparency Registry, to ensure transparency and accountability from thepeople who advocate on behalf of a foreign government, while also protecting communities that aretargeted by attempts at foreign interference. These consultations are open to the public, and allCanadians are encouraged to share their views through the consultation web page until May 9, 2023.
As the Prime Minister announced on March 6, 2023, two national security bodies will review foreigninterference in the 43rd and 44th federal elections: the National Security and Intelligence Committee ofParliamentarians (NSICOP) and the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA).
In 2017, our government established NSICOP, which is comprised of Members of Parliament from eachparty and Senators with top-secret security clearance. NSIOP is well-positioned to review foreigninterference attempts and the potential effects on Canada's institutions. Likewise, NSIRA will undertakea review of how the threat of foreign interference was handled by Canada's national security agenciesduring the 43rd and 44th federal elections.
Our government is taking further action by naming the Right Honourable David Johnston as
Independent Special Rapporteur on Foreign Interference. In this role, he will review Canada's national
security oversight structure and provide recommendations on any further actions needed. He will alsoadvise if there are any other mechanisms or processes necessary to answer any outstanding questions,which could include a formal public inquiry. We will abide by his recommendations.
Together, these actions will provide the government and Canadians with a better understanding of
attempts of foreign interference in the last two federal elections. We will continue to strengthen
Canadian infrastructure and democracy and protect Canadian citizens against foreign interference.
Thank you for taking the time to write. Please accept my warmest regards.
Jean-Luc Marion
Senior Manager, Prime Minister's Correspondence
Office of the Prime Minister


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  • @ 2023-05-05 18:44