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快讯:士嘉堡发生枪击案 5间学校关闭

据多伦多太阳报的最新消息,今天下午1点半左右,士嘉堡Birchmount Rd夹Sheppard Ave地区发生枪击事件,1名20岁左右男子受重伤被送往新宁医院抢救,该报说,男子已经没有生命迹象,为安全起见,附近有7间学校关闭。

城市新闻的报道有所不同,说受伤男子不是被枪击伤而是被1辆汽车撞伤,但事故原因仍不清楚。有目击者说,至少有5、6个人卷入枪战,他们相互对射。警方已将附近5间学校关闭,包括 Stephen Leacock C.I., John Buchan Sr. Public School, Pauline Johnson Public School, Bridlewood Jr. School and Tam O'Shanter Public School。

英文广播电台在3点钟的正点新闻也播出同一消息,强调说事情已经过去,一切归于平静,“Everything is all-right for now.”




Shooting locks down 7 schoolsEmergency workers try to revive victim

By Rob Lamberti, SUN MEDIA

A man in his 20s was rushed with no vital signs to Sunnybrook hospital suffering from a gun shot wound to the chest in north Scarborough.

The man was shot when he was confronted by at least two armed gunmen on Birchmount Rd. near Bonis Ave., north of Sheppard Ave., at around 1:30 p.m.

He was taken to hospital with an escort with Toronto Police in hopes of being revived by medics and doctors.

Police locked down 7 schools in the area and blocked roads as they began their hunt for the gunmen.



Teen dies in 'brazen shooting'

Staff Reporters

Children file past the scene of a shooting on in the area of Birchmount Rd. and Sheppard Ave. Friday, Nov. 23, 2007. At one point in the aftermath, five schools were locked down.

A 19-year-old man was shot dead in a volley of gunfire in the parking lot of a small east-end plaza over the lunch hour today, just steps away from a high school, a townhouse complex and an apartment building with a daycare centre.

“It is a very brazen shooting, in the afternoon, in broad daylight,” homicide Det. Hank Idsinga said as dusk fell.

Officers with the Emergency Task Force and dog services swarmed the area “following some tracks” but didn’t find any suspects. They were looking for two men who ran north toward a townhouse complex across the street from the plaza, located on the corner of Birchmount Road and Bonis Avenue, just north of Sheppard Ave. East.

Several schools in the area were locked down for about 90 minutes, including Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute and John Buchanan Senior Public School, located across the street from the shooting. The TTC diverted its Birchmount bus and rush-hour traffic was blocked while the investigation continued.

Around 1:22 p.m., witnesses had called 911 reporting they’d heard 10 to 12 gunshots.

Police arrived to find the as-yet-unidentified victim lying in the parking lot beside a still-idling black four-door sedan with a temporary licence plate.

There were bullet holes in the rear passenger door and on top of the trunk. Forensic officers were at the scene Friday night trying to determine exactly where the teenager was when the shooting began.

Some of the victim’s clothing was behind the vehicle on the snow-covered ground. It appears the car belonged to him as well, Idsinga said. “No one else has come to claim it.”

No gun was found on the victim.

Armin Akbarnejad, 15, a Grade 10 Leacock student, was in gym class when the principal made an announcement.

“This is not a drill. This is very important,” he heard the principal say.

Across the street, Suresh Natukunam, owner of a Daisy Mart inside the plaza, said he just opened his store two weeks ago and was scared.

Natukunam was helping a customer when he heard “a big noise.”

Police continued to interview witnesses Friday night and appealed to anyone who saw or heard anything to contact them.

This is Toronto’s 75th homicide of 2007, the 35th involving a firearm.


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