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  3. 老外揭章子怡与富二代开房持续到09年 /




从“泼墨门”、“诈捐门”再到眼下的“封章门”,关于章子怡的种种传闻从年初就未曾离开过大众的视线,眼下更是愈传愈真、愈演愈烈,连老外也来 “参一脚”大爆猛料。

3月18日,一位自称曾供职于《环球时报》英文版的“外籍记者”爆料称:“2007年5月的戛纳电影节上,章子怡公开宣布vivi是她的男朋 友。事实上,在她的爱情宣言公开不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲开房做SPA。汪小菲是俏江南餐饮连锁店CEO张兰的独子,也是高端酒店北京俏 江南兰会所的所有者。”并称因为这家门户网站和章子怡有长期合作关系,因此“开房事件”才一直没有公开。

原文地址:Zhang Ziyi's downward spiral – her hidden secret life may reveal all


Zhang Ziyi's downward spiral – her hidden secret life may reveal all

By Doriah Morrison

I started working for the entertainment channel of sina.com in late 2004 and my first lesson, or should I say instruction, from my chief editor was that no negative stories about Zhang Ziyi were to be published on sina. My colleague subsequently explained to me that Zhang's publicist had made a deal with the website: they provided exclusive news about Zhang and the website published only positive stories.

我在2004年底开始为新浪娱乐频道工作的。我的第一个任务或者我应该说我的总编辑给我的第一个任务是写关于章子怡的但不包含负面影响的文章, 并将发表于新浪网站。后来我的同事向我解释说,章子怡的发言人已与该网站有协议:他们提供章子怡的独家新闻而网站只能刊登积极的文章。

My experience at sina led to complete déjà vu this week, when I read an "exclusive" interview with Zhang by an English newspaper. I guess it is somewhat comforting to see that something about her has stayed the same over the years – positive publicity agreements.

这周,当我在一份英文报纸(中国日报)上读到关于章子怡的“独家”专访时,我在新浪的经历仿佛完全重现在眼前。我想,可以说比较安慰的是这些年 来某些关于章子怡的情况还是没有发生变化——根据协议,只能刊登正面消息。

2010 has possibly been the worst year of Zhang Ziyi's life so far. For those who have not followed the news closely, here is a quick review of Zhang's serial scandals: On the night of December 24, posters of her downstairs at her Beijing residence were attacked by ink and ruined. On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman. On January 28, Zhang was accused of committing fraud when raising money for 2008 Sichuan earthquake victims and the scandal quickly escalated into a media frenzy.

到目前为止,2010年可以说是章子怡最糟的一年。对那些没有紧跟新闻的读者来说,这里有一个关于章子怡一系列丑闻的快速回顾:在2009年 12月 24日,她在北京住所楼下的一幅海报被人泼墨糟蹋了。在2010年1月12日,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。 2010年1月28日,章子怡被指控于2008年四川汶川地震期间进行诈捐,这一丑闻迅速升级为新闻头条。

Honestly the whole donation fraud thing does not interest me. Charity is commonly used as an accessory by celebrities. Zhang might be completely ignorant of the whole donation process that is more than likely being conveniently handled by her agent and assistants. The donation fraud allegations are not the star's alone.

说实话,诈捐的事情我并不感兴趣。慈善是名流们利用的一种手段。章子怡可能完全不清楚整个捐款的过程。这个过程更可能是由她的经纪人和助手来操 作的。

What I'm curious about is, where is her finance Vivi Nevo, who had reportedly played an important role in Zhang's donation collecting in 2008? Shouldn't he be by her side, backing her up?

我感兴趣的是,她的未婚夫vivi去哪里了,这个人据说在2008年募捐的时候起到了重要的作用?难道这个人(此时)不应该在她的身边支持她 吗?

I hate to rush to conclusions that they are no long together, or never were to begin with, but I am left with no choice but to let you in on what I know - something you will read for the first time here and only here.

我不愿意匆忙断言说他们已经不在一起了,或者从未开始——但是除了告诉你一个我知道的秘密没有别的选择——这件事你绝对第一次听说,而且只能在 这里读到。

The relationship between Zhang and Nevo was exposed when they were caught kissing during a NBA game in January, 2007 and she made it official by admitting at the Cannes Film Festival in May the same year that Nevo was her boyfriend.


However, shortly after her love announcement, I saw Zhang checking into a lover's suite at China World Hotel spa with Wang Xiaofei. Wang is the son of South Beauty dining chain's CEO Zhang Lan and the owner of high-end restaurant Lan Club. Later, the spa manager, of who I am acquainted, told me that Zhang and Wang always got together whenever Zhang was in Beijing. Their "relationship" lasted at least until early 2009, according to a close friend of Wang's.

事实上,在她的爱情宣言不久,我就看见章子怡在中国大饭店与汪小菲开房做spa。汪小菲是俏江南餐饮连锁店ceo张兰的独子,也是高端酒店北京 俏江南兰会所的所有者。后来,那个我认识的spa经理告诉我每当章子怡在北京的时候,章子怡和汪小菲就总在一起。根据汪小菲的一个密友所说,他们的“关 系”至少一直持续到2009年初。

Again I'm not making conclusions and assumptions, just laying out the facts.


As always, I'm giving out free tips to survive in the cruel showbiz world. Consider it my charitable gesture:



If you are not good with numbers, at least find someone who is, to help you.


When trading exclusives with media for positive stories, make sure the deal stays between you and the chief editor so as not to be spread by the rest of the staff.


Find somewhere more discreet for your get-togethers with friends in high places, rather than spas and hotels.



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