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  3. 老外看不下去了:丽江政府管管穷孩子 /


今天收到犹太记者朋友 Rachel Beitaric 的一封电子邮件,讲的是,她在云南丽江街头遇到一个7岁卖艺男童的故事,她认为这种现象应该引起当地政府重视并被制止,但是,不知道应该找谁。我赞同她的善意和爱心,愿意在自己的博客里张贴出来,希望这个小男孩,以及和他相似经历的孩子,能够告别这样的街头流浪,回到课堂。

老外看不下去了:犹太游客呼喊 丽江政府管管穷孩子(图)


Hi there everyone.

I took the attached photos this afternoon near the entrance to old town in Lijiang, Yunnan province. Its a street very busy with traffic and pedestrians, mainly tourists.

This boy is a contortionist beggar, doing some rather appalling and dangerous spins. We couldnt see where the person handling him was.

Talked to the kid briefly: said his parents were home in Henan, he is seven years old and got to Lijiang all by himself (which is almost certainly a lie) he said hes only got here yesterday and people who pass this street everyday confirmed hed only arrived recently. Im not sure I can place his accent accurately as Henanese but think hes from somewhere in the North, definitely not from Yunnan or Sichuan.

This is all we know. There are several other kids around doing the same thing. One of them is older and has been here several years (that one has two broken legs and wouldnt let me take a photo of him). Some locals said they have contacted the police and the mayors office but nothing was done about this.

So if you can think of a way to help identifying and helping this kid and other like him please do so: add few words in Chinese, post this or send to more friends in the media or the blogsphere or anything else that you think might be helpful in making noise and shaking some government or police butts.

In a bit of a hurry. Many thanks for your time.

Warning: The photos are not easy to look at.










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