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  3. 韩裔枪手疑英文遭嘲笑 震惊韩裔社区 /

韩裔枪手疑英文遭嘲笑 震惊韩裔社区




枪击案发生后约一个小时,韩裔枪手出现在距离Oikos大学约5哩远的阿拉美达South Shore购物中心内的Safeway超市,当时超级市场警卫感觉嫌犯形迹可疑,因此上前询问,当时该名嫌犯表示他要跟警方说话,因为他曾开枪杀人。




在学院正门口马路绿化分隔带的草地上,三名受害者的尸体被黄色的塑胶薄膜复盖着,由警方鑑证人员进行初步验尸。员警用白布把尸体遮挡后,警方揭开复 盖在尸体上的黄色塑胶薄膜,逐一拍照作纪录,然后装入黑色塑胶尸袋,由阿拉米达县法医署的专车载走。直到下午2时15分,现场才收拾妥当。


阮先生说,警车交错着斜停在马路上,附近路口已被封锁。他看到特警和穿迷彩服的军警分批冲进学校,随后,看到从里面抬出多人,不知死活。有的被直接 抬上救护车,他看到救护人员对一名躺在担架上的伤患施行体外心脏复苏,但未几就放弃了。他说,三具尸体从学校?抬到校门口,随后再被抬到草坪上。因为死者 已被遮挡脸部,看不出年龄,但从肤色看来,估计是白人或亚洲人,其中两名估计是女性。

加州校园枪击案 震惊韩裔社区



嫌犯是本地韩国人,他在东奥克兰(East Oakland)的奥伊科斯大学(Oikos University)发动攻击不久后自首,目击者称他在校园内开枪扫射时,看起来「像是发疯」。



奥克兰华裔市长关丽珍(Jean Quan)告诉记者:「没有美国市长想遇到这种情况。过去十年来我们似乎已经对这种毫无意义的疯狂扫射事件习以为常…。这是可怕的悲剧。」


警察局长乔登(Howard Jordan)说:「现场极度混乱」。

李查兹(Art Richards)说,他开车接朋友经过这所大学时,看到1名女子躲在树丛里。他停下车来,当他靠近这名女子时,女子说:「我中枪了」,然后让他看她的手臂。



汪曲克(Tashi Wangchuk)说,警方告诉他,持枪歹徒先是在讲桌朝1名女子开枪,然后在教室内胡乱开枪扫射。他的妻子就读这所学校并目击枪击事件。

汪曲克说,他妻子王左(Dechen Wangzom)听到枪声时,正在上职业护理课程,她把门锁住,然后关灯。他妻子今天下午仍遭到警方询问。



Oakland massacre gunman's boasts about violence revealed as relatives mourn students shot 'because they didn't do what he said'


A professor who taught the suspect in a shooting rampage at a Christian college has revealed that One Goh used to brag about violence.

Professor Romie John Delariman met Goh, 43, at the beginning of his nursing course at Oikos University, a small Christian school in Oakland, California.

The professor said Goh repeatedly told a story about beating up someone who tried to mug him in San Francisco. Goh also added that when he was bored, he would go to the park and pick fights.

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A professor at the Christian college in Oakland, California said mass shooting suspect One Goh (pictured) felt disrespected by fellow students

Talk of violence: A professor at the Christian college in Oakland, California said mass shooting suspect One Goh (pictured) felt disrespected by fellow students

The tutor said Goh was one of his most eager students in the nursing program but that the 43-year-old felt disrespected and bullied by younger classmates.

Goh was arrested Monday on suspicion of opening fire at the college, leaving six students and a receptionist dead. Three others were also wounded.

Police believe that Goh had been looking for a female administrator who expelled him earlier this year, when he carried out his plan to 'inflict pain' on the school.

The coroner's office named the victims as Judith Seymour, 53, of San Jose; Lydia Sim, 21, of Hayward and 33-year-old Sonam Chodon of El Cerrito.

Grace Eunhae Kim, 23, was killed in the shooting at the Christian college in Oakland, California

Victim: Grace Eunhae Kim, 23, was killed in the shooting at the Christian college in Oakland, California

Originally from Newark, New Jersey, Ms Kim was one of the six women killed in the Oakland shooting
Originally from Newark, New Jersey, Ms Kim was one of the six women killed in the Oakland shooting

Smiles: Originally from Newark, California, Ms Kim was one of the six women killed in the Oakland shooting

Grace Kim, 23, of Union City; Doris Chibuko, 40, of San Leandro and male victim Tshering Rinzing Bhutia, 38, of San Francisco, also died.

The school's receptionist Kathleen Ping, 24, of Oakland, was also shot and killed, her family said. She leaves behind her four-year-old son Kayzzer.

Her father told the New York Daily News: 'We have a very close family, and she loved the family so much. She was the heart of the family, she really was,” he said. “She was a great mom and a great daughter and a great sister. She was all three in one.'

Kathleen Ping, 24, was killed in the school shooting. She leaves her four-year-old son Kayzzer

Lost mother: Kathleen Ping, 24, was killed in the school shooting. She leaves her four-year-old son Kayzzer

Goh allegedly arrived at the school on Monday morning with a .45 caliber handgun looking for the administrator.

When he discovered that she was not in the building, he went into an acupuncture class and forced the students to stand up. He told them: 'Get in line and I'm going to kill you all.'

According to authorities, Goh opened fire when people would not listen to his instructions.

Lydia Sim, 21, was also killed in Monday's attack and she was a nursing student at Oikos University

Second victim: Lydia Sim, 21, was also killed in Monday's attack and she was a nursing student at Oikos University

'Not everyone was cooperative, and that's when he began shooting,' said Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan.

Police said that none of the victims were the ones who teased Goh.

'He was upset that students in the past, when he attended the school, mistreated him,' Howard said.

'They disrespected him, laughed at him. They made fun of his lack of English speaking skills. It made him feel isolated compared to the other students.

'He was having, we believe, some behavioral problems at the school and was asked to leave several months ago.'

The suspect sprayed bullets randomly at his classmates before he went through the entire building systematically shooting people.

'Shots were fired throughout the building,' the police chief added.

Police have said that while Goh surrendered and has been cooperative, 'he hasn't been particularly remorseful'.

He was charged with seven counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, carjacking and kidnapping.

The kidnapping charge is because he brought the secretary from the reception area into the classroom where he shot her, and the carjacking stems from his decision to take the male victim's car and flee the scene.

The male victim was named as Tshering Rinzing Bhutia, an immigrant from the Himalayas who studied nursing and worked part-time as a janitor.

Sonam Chodon was in the acupuncture class when the shooter began firing indiscriminately on Monday morning

Wrong place: Sonam Chodon was in the acupuncture class when the shooter began firing indiscriminately on Monday morning

Victim Lydia Sim, 21, is seen here with her 19-year-old brother Daniel who said that his sister was an independent and caring nursing student just one year shy of graduation

Missed: Victim Lydia Sim, 21, is seen here with her 19-year-old brother Daniel who said that his sister was an independent and caring nursing student just one year shy of graduation

Though the suspect turned himself in, they have still not found the .45 caliber gun he used in the attack so police are now searching in the water at Martin Luther King Jr. Regional shoreline

Search continues: Though the suspect turned himself in, they have still not found the .45 caliber gun he used in the attack so police are now searching in the water at Martin Luther King Jr. Regional shoreline

Oikos University, the Christian school where the shooting took place, will remain closed for an undetermined amount of days until police conclude their investigation

Investigation: Oikos University, the Christian school where the shooting took place, will remain closed for an undetermined amount of days until police conclude their investigation

The younger brother of victim Lydia Sim said that she was a caring and independent girl who hoped to become a pediatrician.

Ms Sim, who was born in San Francisco, had only had one year left of nursing school before graduation.

'In the end, I know she's in a better place,' her brother Daniel told the local Hayward Patch.

'It's hard to believe she's gone. In the end, God has a plan and he needed her to come to him early.'

'She was such a loving person. She didn't deserve to go like that. She didn't deserve to die,' Mr Sim added.

Sonam Chodon, 33, was confirmed dead by an announcement from the Tibetan Association of Northern California.

Though the name of the female administrator who was his specific target is unknown, new details about Goh's home life painted a troubling picture.

Oakland Police cover the bodies of victims of the shooting massacre at Oikos University

Nightmare: Oakland Police cover the bodies of victims of the shooting massacre at Oikos University

A woman is rushed to hospital on a stretcher following the gun attack which left seven people dead and three wounded in Oakland, California

Wounded: A woman is rushed to hospital on a stretcher following the gun attack which left seven people dead and three wounded in Oakland, California


Tshering Rinzing Bhutia, 38, an immigrant from the Himalayas studied nursing and worked part-time as a janitor.

Grace Eunhae Kim, 23, died in the shooting. Her friends called her by her middle name and she worked at BJ's Restaurant and Brewery when she lived in Newark.

Lydia Sim, 21, was from Hayward, California. Her brother said that she was a caring and independent girl who hoped to become a doctor.

Sonam Chodon, 33, was confirmed dead by an announcement from the Tibetan Association of Northern California.

Kathleen Ping, 24, mother of a four-year-old boy, worked as a secretary at the school.

The death of his mother and brother, along with his expulsion from school and mounting debt were seen by police as some of the possible motives behind Goh's decision to kill.

Police said the Korean-American suspect fired indiscriminately in a morning acupuncture class at the small private college in Oakland, which provides fellow Koreans with Christian-based training in theology, music, nursing and Asian medicine.

'We've learned that the suspect was upset with the administration at the school,' Mr Jordan told Good Morning America.

Goh fled the scene in the Honda Civic that belonged to the male victim, Tshering Rinzing Bhutia, and was arrested about an hour later in a Safeway shopping centre car park, several miles from the school.

Sargent Howard said Goh told officers he chose to drive to the Safeway because 'just wanted to get away from the area' as soon as he heard people calling 911.

He apparently handed himself in and confessed to a grocery store security guard he had shot several people.

Swat teams arrive at the school where seven people were murdered in Oakland, California, yesterday

Investigation: Swat teams arrive at the school where seven people were murdered in Oakland, California, yesterday

A police armored vehicle drives by what appears to be covered dead bodies following the gun attack

Grim: A police armored vehicle drives by what appears to be covered dead bodies following the gun attack

The shooter was said to be a former nursing student who had been absent from class for months after being expelled.

He was upset that students in the past, when he attended the school, mistreated him, disrespected him, and things of that nature.

Oakland police chief Howard Jordan

One officer said: 'He clearly had some kind of grudge against the school.'

His problems began before he started taking classes at Oikos. Goh moved to the Bay area after living in Virginia.

While there, he started sinking into debt, collecting a number minor traffic tickets, and was evicted from an apartment complex after owing $1,300 in overdue rent.

In addition, the tax liens that he collected in 2006 and 2009 totalled $23,000.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, his brother Army Sargent Su Wan Ko died in a car accident in March 2011.

A sheriff's deputy removes a body from outside Oikos University after a gunman opened fire killing seven people

Grim: A sheriff's deputy removes a body from outside Oikos University after a gunman opened fire killing seven people

ATF and SWAT teams responded to the shooting Monday morning where a reported five people were killed by a Korean gunman thought to be in his 40s

Responders: ATF and SWAT teams responded to the shooting Monday morning where a reported seven people were killed by a Korean gunman thought to be in his 40s

His mother Oak Chul Kim died a year ago, though she lived in Seoul, South Korea after moving from Oakland.

Goh's father, Young Nam Ko, used to live in Oakland near Goh but neighbours said that Ko recently moved. Goh's other brother Su Kwon Ko still lives in Virginia.

Emergency services first received a call at 10.33am (5.33pm GMT) yesterday, reporting a woman on the ground bleeding.

As more calls came in from the school, the first arriving officer found a victim suffering from a life-threatening gunshot wound, he said.

A police officer aims his handgun as he enters the Christian college where a gunman went on the rampage. The suspect was later arrested nearby

Hunt: A police officer aims his handgun as he enters the Christian college where a gunman went on the rampage. The suspect was later arrested nearby

More officers arrived and formed a perimeter around the school in the belief that the suspect was still inside, he said.

SWAT teams surrounded the building, smashing glass with sledgehammers before rushing inside to find the gunman had fled.

Dawinder Kaur, 19, was shot in the arm by Goh and spoke to reporters after receiving medical treatment

Victim: Dawinder Kaur, 19, was shot in the arm by Goh and spoke to reporters after receiving medical treatment

Paul Singh, whose sister was one of three students wounded, said the gunman threatened he was going to kill everyone in the class.

'She told me that a guy went crazy and she got shot,' her brother Paul Singh told the Oakland Tribune.

'She was running, she was crying, she was bleeding. It was wrong.'

A memorial service will be held at 6pm tonight at the local Korean United Methodist Church.

Panicked students took refuge where the could. Tashi Wangchuk said his nursing student wife locked the door to an adjoining classroom and turned off the lights.

He said the man 'banged on the door several times and started shooting inside' to break the glass but didn't go in.

One student, 19-year-old Dawinder Kaur, told her brother she was in her nursing class when a former student who had been absent from the class for months told them all to line up against the wall.

Law enforcement officers leave the college after the conclusion of the rampage

Reaction: Law enforcement officers leave the college after the conclusion of the rampage

A group of people leave Oikos University yesterday after a man killed seven people. American-Korean One L. Goh, 43, was being held over the deaths
An Oakland police officer holds his hand to his head as an investigation gets underway into the shooting

End: People left the scene after it was confirmed that the shooter had been arrested

About 35 students were in the single-storey college at the time. Five died at the scene and two others were pronounced dead after being rushed to hospital.

It was an 'unprecedented tragedy, shocking and senseless,' Mr Jordan said at a press conference. 'No words can express the gravity of this incident.'

Goh was not thought to have a criminal record. He gave himself up to a shop security guard after the killings after admitting to 'shooting some people.'

Police spokesman Cynthia Perkins said seven people were dead. She did not release any other details.

Chief Jordan said: 'This unprecedented tragedy was shocking and senseless.'

Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan talks to the media after seven people were killed and three wounded at Oikos University in Oakland, California

Briefing: Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan talks to the media after seven people were killed and three wounded at Oikos University in Oakland, California

Timothy Yi, pastor at Hayward Korean Baptist Church, waits for news outside Oikos University

Grief: Timothy Yi, pastor at Hayward Korean Baptist Church, waits for news outside Oikos University

Students talk among themselves at the scene of the deadly shooting on Monday

Mourners: Students talk among themselves at the scene of the deadly shooting on Monday

The shooting took place at Oikos University

Location: The shooting took place at Oikos University

A security guard at the supermarket approached the man because he was acting suspiciously, KGO-TV reported. The man told the guard that he needed to talk to police because he shot people, and the guard called authorities.

Lisa Resler said she was buying fruit at Safeway with her four-year-old daughter when she saw the man dressed in khaki she later learned was the suspect walk toward the store exit.

'He was just in the store looking like somebody who was going to pick a deli sandwich up or something,' she said.

When she left the store, she saw him standing next to two police cars. She said she saw an officer kick his legs apart and pat him down for weapons but said they didn't appear to find anything.

'He didn't look like he had a sign of relief on him. He didn't look like he had much of any emotion on his face,' she said. 'From what I could see he was completely cooperative with police. He wasn't saying a word.'

Television news footage showed officers surrounding the building in search of the suspect, described as a Korean man in his 40s with a heavy build and wearing khaki clothing.

The footage also showed wounded people being carried out of the building.

At least five fatalities have been reported, and one witness described the scene where the gunman stood up in the middle of nursing class to a fellow student

Death toll: At least 7 fatalities have been reported, and one witness described the scene where the gunman stood up in the middle of nursing class to a fellow student point blank before spraying the room with bullets

Initial reports said that the suspect was on the loose, and he was eventually found in a shopping center miles away from the Korean school

Securing the scene: Initial reports said that the suspect was on the loose, and he was eventually found in a shopping centre miles away from the Korean school

Founder and head of school Pastor Jong Kim said that the shooter had been a nursing student at Oikos. He would not say if the man had been expelled or dropped out of the nursing programme.

He said he believed there were about 30 or so gunshots and said that he stayed in his office during the shooting.

Myung Soon Ma, the school's secretary, said she could not provide any details about what happened at the small private school, which serves the Korean community with courses from theology to Asian medicine.

'I feel really sad, so I cannot talk right now,' she said, speaking from her home.

The shooting took place at a Korean Christian university and at least four people were taken to the emergency room by ambulance while others were treated on scene

Safety: The shooting took place at a Korean Christian university and at least four people were taken to the emergency room by ambulance while others were treated on scene

Deborah Lee, who was in an English language class, said she heard five to six gunshots at first. 'The teacher said, "Run", and we run,' she said.

'I was OK, because I know God protects me. I'm not afraid of him.'


The deadliest school shooting in U.S. history was the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007. Mentally ill student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people before shooting himself in a campus rampage.

Another notorious killing was that at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, when 10 students as young as 15 as well as two members of staff were shot by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at the Denver school.

More recently, graduate student Steven Kazmierczak killed five at Northern Illinois University, his alma mater, on February 14, 2008, then turned the gun on himself.

The 2006 shooting at the Amish West Nickel Mines School attracted national attention after relatives of the five young girls killed by Charles Roberts publicly forgave the killer and sent condolences to his family.

An earlier example of a deadly campus massacre came in 1966, when student and former Marine Charles Whitman killed 16 at the University of Texas at Austin, mostly by shooting from a 28th-floor balcony.

Another bystander saw a woman running away from the scene.

‘One of the people who was inside the building, she was saying there is a crazy guy inside,’ witness Brian Snow told KGO-TV.

‘She did say someone got shot in the chest right next to her before she got taken off in an ambulance.’

One man heard the shootings and saw one of the victims running from the scene.

'I just heard more gunshots. A lady came out running and she had blood on her arm, but I didn't know how bad the wound was,' said Brian Snow, who was at a credit union near the school the at the time of the shooting.

'She was just trying to make sure everyone was safe and took off her jacket and she had a big old hole in her arm,' he told KGO Radio.

California political figures expressed their condolences at the horrific events.

Governor Jerry Brown said: 'The tragic loss of life at Oikos University today is shocking and sad.

'Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and friends and the entire community affected by this senseless act of violence.'

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer added: 'I am praying for a full and speedy recovery for all those injured in today's shooting.'

And Jean Quan, Mayor of Oakland, called the killing a 'terrible tragedy', but praised police for their response to the incident.

The Oakland shooting came just over a month after a student in Ohio opened fire in his high school cafeteria, killing three students and wounding two others. Prosecutors said they do not know why the alleged gunman, 17-year-old TJ Lane, opened fire but they have ruled out bullying or a drugs motive.

Police arrive in an armoured vehicle after a gunman opened fire killing seven at Oikos University yesterday

Hunt: Police arrive in an armoured vehicle after a gunman opened fire killing seven at Oikos University yesterday


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