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联邦新民主党近日民调支持度,节节上升,直迫执政保守党,令自由党的劣势加剧。但是,党领Thomas Mulcair缪凯尔一番高调抨击西部亚省oil-sands油砂对加拿大东部manufacturing jobs製造业不利的言论,掀起了政治风暴,被各方指谪他分化加拿大东西两岸,会不会一夕间逆转新民主党的势头?

Globe and Mail《环球邮报》记者Bruce Anderson的新闻报导,标题是:Mulcair’s oil-sands musing risks halting NDP momentum。

《邮报》标题中用的musing一字:原意thinking carefully about something or telling people your thoughts,看似中性,没有贬意,只是缪凯尔诉说他个人 对油砂污染环境,哈珀政府坐视不理的想法。

証诸缪凯尔的出身、背景和他一贯的言论,想法不足奇怪:缪凯尔出任魁省执政自由党环境厅长时,2004年11月25日,公佈Quebec's Sustainable Development Plan, 魁北克省的可持续发展大纲,他又提出修改魁北克省人权及自由宪章,通过加入省民有权在一个尊重biodiversity生物多样性的健康环境中生活 。他一直赞成sustainability可持续发展,或永续发展,在保护环境的条件下,既满足当代人的需求,又不损害后代人的需求。他又对polluters pay principle污染者自付的原则 ,一直坚持。他认为油砂生产商对环保污染,要付上经济的责任,his musing不是全无道理。
但是 Bruce Anderson却不认同缪凯尔直率而惹火的言论:
“We’ve lost 500,000 good-paying manufacturing jobs since the Conservatives came to power. We’re losing the balanced economy we had built up since the Second World War.”

文章一开头,他便觉得Dutch disease‘荷兰病’的经济理论,跟亚省石油污染风马牛不相及。他尤其对缪凯尔可能分化国家,引致东部和中部省民对抗西部各省的政治效果和策略,极之不以为然:

“Some sense his approach is clever, if diabolical: that he wants to deliberatively split the country, rallying Ontarians and Quebeckers to put NDP over the top by flaming the West ‘s success for Central Canada’s misfortunes.”

Bruce Anderson不认为缪凯尔diabolical恶意的分化手段,可以奏效,不合时宜的经济蓝图,只会拖累新民主党如日中升民望的势头:
“Setting aside how divisive an idea this could be, as an economic blueprint it could bring a halt the NDP’s forward momentum. ”

例如,着名时事评论员L. Ian McDonald 在Montreal Gazette《满地可公报》撰文,标题:Thomas Mulcair does a disservice to the West ,直折缪凯尔损害西部省份。理由是缪凯尔除了道出了加拿大需要有一个全国关于能源和环境的对话外,其馀谬论连篇he is wrong on the rest of it。
首先,他不同意缪凯尔引用Dutch disease‘荷兰病’的论调,来说明加元强势只是由于石油价钱带动,而忽略其他多方面的经济因素:

“The ‘disease’ he’s referring to is the Netherlands of the early 1960s, when natural-gas exploitation buoyed its economy to the detriment of other industries. ”

In particular, Mulcair argues that Canada’s manufacturing heartland, Ontario, is hurting because of the Alberta oil-sands, or as he still calls them, tar-sands.”

因为我们都明白petrol dollar油元过去10年固然带动Canadian dollar加元上升,other factors besides oil may have contributed to the dollar's rise, 还有其他複杂的经济因素,Mulcair's argument hugely oversimplifies matters,他过份简化了问题症结所在。
Mulcair’s musings over Dutch disease and the environmental sustainability of the oil-sands have understandably annoyed the Western premiers。
Saskatchewan Premier萨省省长Brad Wall首先发难,以短小精悍的twitter微博,直斥其非:“There they go again. Mulcair sticks to attack on the West.”
Alberta Premier亚省省长Alison Redford即时对此表示震惊:“I was absolutely shocked.”
British Columbia Premier 卑诗省省长Christy Chalk called him “goofy ”,亳不留情的叫他做愚蠢的傻小子。

最后,连一向偏左,经常维护新民主党政纲的Toronto Star《多伦多星报》也对缪凯尔老实不客气地,以社论 EAST VS. WEST: Looking for common ground批评他的偏激立场,认为政治上很可能对他得不偿失:

“Politically, Mulcair ‘s stance is likely to do him more harm than good.”


网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。