1. 无忧资讯 /
  2. 新闻精要2014-03-10 /
  3. 食检局召回6款亨氏婴儿食品 /

包装有问题 食品检验局召回6款婴儿食品

加拿大食品检验局(CFIA)发出通告,提醒民众勿消费由亨氏(Heinz Canada)生产的6款婴儿食品,因其包装出现问题有可能被污染,亨氏已经宣布召回食品。


CFIA还说,幸亏有消费者发现问题后及时报告。这批食品的名单请见:Consumer Advisory

Brand Name Common Name Size Code(s) on Product UPC Additional Info
Heinz Peas zucchini spinach 128 mL 06/11/14 HH:MM*
2203+0 8EX EX57
0 57000 03423 8 * HH:MM indicates the time
Heinz Sweet baby vegetables 128 mL 05/11/14 HH:MM*
2193+0 8EV EX57
0 57000 03424 5 * HH:MM indicates the time
Heinz Beef bolognese with vegetables 128 mL 24/12/14 HH:MM*
2683+0 8GN EX57
0 57000 03420 7 * HH:MM indicates the time
Heinz Beef butternut squash rice spinach 128 mL 23/12/14 HH:MM*
2673+0 8EY EX57

23/12/14 HH:MM*
2673+1 8EY EX57 0 57000 03421 4 * HH:MM indicates the time Heinz Tuna sweet corn chowder 128 mL 07/11/14 HH:MM*
2213+0 8GV EX57 0 57000 03422 1 * HH:MM indicates the time Heinz Butternut squash apricot peas couscous 128 mL 05/11/14 HH:MM*
2193+0 8EW EX57 0 57000 03425 2 * HH:MM indicates the time


网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。