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新一轮雪暴吹袭美国 遇难者增至21人



Commander in sleet: The White House was covered in snow Saturday as wintry weather coated Washington, D.C.

Snow problem: This plow cleared the snow from the President's front path on Pennsylvania Avenue

Hey, big guy: This two-story snowman towered over streets in Irondequoit, New York. Above, Anna Vincelli, 45, takes a picture

Deadly cold: In Tennessee, 18 people died in the cold. Pictured above is a crossroads in Knoxville

The new round of harsh weather is part of a system that has cut a curving, 2,000-mile path from southern Missouri to Maine.

Snow and ice contributed to major delays at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York Saturday, with some arriving flights delayed more than two hours, and flights destined for Newark International Airport in New Jersey were delayed more than three hours, according to a Federal Aviation Administration advisory.

Frozen harbor: The waters around New York City's financial district were covered in ice this week due to the frigid weather

Clean-up: In Danville, Kentucky, a city worker shovels snow off the roof after the devastating cold snap

Struggling on: A wrapped-up figure makes their way through the snow in Philadelphia after an NHL game Saturday

Widespread chill: IN Denver, Colorado, this commuter took to the streets on cross-country skis on Saturday

NWS warned that 'structural collapses' are possible for rooftops overloaded with the persistent snowfall. Maryland State Police said people had abandoned their vehicles along interstates and roadways.

Fun for some: Ella Gregg, six, and her three-year-old sister Olivia made the most of the snow on a hill in Dublin, Ohio

Chillout: The Broadway Bridge in the Bronx borough of New York City was pounded by snow Saturday night

Brave: Hardy souls took to the waters in Newport, Vermont, for the U.S. Winter Swimming Championships

Cold stroke: Jonathan Gladstone (left) of the USA and Yuta Tsuboi (right) of Japan compete in the frosty waters at Lake Memphremagog

Snow art: William Green, 25, spray paints flowers onto a snow bank in the parking lot of Genrichís Garden Center where he works in Irondequoit, New York


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