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Victoria Day长周末好去处:尽情撒欢吧

终于不下雪了,那是因为Victoria Day长周末就要来了,小伙伴们是不是早就迫不及待了呢?

先来给大家科普一下,每年5月25号前最后一个星期一为维多利亚日(Victoria Day),全加拿大会在一起庆祝这个每年一度的节日,来纪念英女皇维多利亚的诞辰,她曾身为加拿大最高统治者。

而今年的Victoria Day是在5月23日,也就是下周一,不论你是准备外出度假,还是举办烧烤派对,或是欣赏烟花表演,一定要提前准备,下面就跟小编来看看维多利亚日吃喝玩乐全攻略以及哪些商家营业,哪些商家关门吧!


据WeatherNetwork预测,多伦多今天晴,最高气温20度,傍晚到夜间晴间多云,夜间最低气温12度,体感温度11度。接下来的长周末就更爽了,天气以晴为主,气温不低于20度,Victoria Day更是达到24度。这样的气温与天气,非常适合放烟花,当然更适合欣赏烟花!


多伦多市将在Ashbridges Bay Park举办一年一度的维多利亚日烟花汇演,今年依旧,风雨无阻。这个汇演将会展现2000烟花,会是十分壮观和美丽的。 还有什么比夜晚的烟花更好的庆祝方式呢?快约上小伙伴一起去欣赏绚烂美丽的烟花吧!

地址:1561 Lake Shore Blvd E
TTC Information: Travel to Woodbine Station. Board the 92 Woodbine bus southbound. Exit at Asbridges Bay Park.


如果你是超级粉丝,不妨周日晚上到 Canada’s Wonderland,那里将有超过6000烟花表演。不过这可不是免费的了,如果你没有Canada’s Wonderland的通票,当天需要花$47.99。

High Park Zoo

维多利亚日是一个参观High Park Zoo的春季小动物宝贝的绝佳时间。这里有加拿大和其他国家的各种动物。在周末上午11:30至下午2点,参观者可以亲手喂骆驼,想和骆驼亲密接触的小伙伴们不要错过哦。这个动物园的吸引力是全年每日开放,从早上7点到黄昏。

地址:Deer Pen Rd, Toronto, ON





轮渡时间表和票价请参阅网站:http://www.toronto.ca/parks/is ... e.htm


想要看各种美丽绽放的鲜花吗?不要错过Centennial Park Conservatory (151 Elmcrest Rd.) 和 Allan Gardens Conservatory (19 Horticultural Ave.), 从上午10时至下午5时免费入场哦。

更多信息请致电Centennial Park Conservatory:416-394-8543

Allan Gardens Conservatory: 416-392-7288

或访问 http://www.toronto.ca/conservatories




GO Transit将按照周六的时刻表运行

GO train Lakeshore东西线的列车由30分钟一班改为1个小时一班

旅游景点:ROM,CN Tower,Casa Loma,Toronto Zoo,Hockey Hall of Fame,Ontario Science Centre,Canada’s Wonderland,Ripley’s Aquarium照常营业


Bramalea City Centre(11:00am-6:00pm)

Eaton Centre(10:00am-6:00pm)

Pacific Mall(11:00am-8:00pm)

Square One(11:00am-6:00pm)

The Promenade(11:00am-6:00pm)

Toronto Premium Outlets (9:30am-7:00pm)

Upper Canada Mall(11:00am-6:00pm)

Vaughan Mills Mall (10:00am-7:00pm)



Rib Fest at Yonge and Dundas (May 20-21)

Did you know May is BBQ month? Yonge and Dundas will be taken over by the hungery masses for Rib Fest, which will feature some of the best ribs teams from across Canada.

Toast! pop-up at the Distillery District

This highly hyped pop-up continues this week and will be serving up options like birthday cake batter slathered on chocolate sour dough and green goddess goat cheese on pumpkin seed rye from Saturday, May 21 through to Monday, May 23 at 45 Mill St.


Arcade (May 19-20)

A collection of miniature performances, theatres, and cinemas about the forgotten and displaced parts of Toronto's urban landscape at the Bata Shoe Museum.

Franco-Fierté Fundraiser and launch event (May 19)

Yours truly DJ Phil V and Yung Bambi DJ the French Pride fundraiser and launch party with a special performance from Jezebel Bardot.

Operanation (May 19)

DJ Armand and Dragonette entertain at the year's biggest opera party.

Circus Sessions (May 20-21)

Witness and participate in the two-night performance of Circus Sessions where artists will share exciting new ideas, discoveries, collaborations. France's Adel Node-Langlois will also be presenting an original work.

Echo Beach spring market (May 21)

The Junction Flea Market heads down to the water for one day only.

North American Indigenous Cultural Festival (May 21-22)

The 1st annual festival of its kind, and it all goes down at Downsview Park. Expects lots of food, artisans, live music, and cultural programming.

Trinity Bellwoods drum circle opening circle (May 22)

It's been four years, and it's still going strong -- the open drum circle goes down 12-6 p.m.


Breakbot (May 19)

The French pop smooth operator visits Velvet Underground.

Continuum live band Karaoke (May 19)

Continuum Contemporary Music is teaming up with Univox & Florivox Choirs for a night of live karaoke in the Junction.

Manifesto X Wavelength (May 20)

Two of Toronto's most groundbreaking, community-based arts organizations team up for a night of boundary-busting music and visuals.

Fiddles at Fort York (May 21)

From 10 a.m. 5:30 p.m. players of bowed string instruments from different traditions teach workshops and perform a concert, leading up to our community "Around-the-World Jam" at 2:30pm.

Four Tet and Ben Ufo (May 21)

Get ready for DJ sets from two electronic masters at Coda.

Selena Gomez at the ACC (May 22)

Justin Bieber's ex performs at the ACC. I really do love "Can't keep my hands to myself" (as does everyone else, apparently).

Phon.o at Bambi's (May 22)

Berlin-based DJ and producer PHON.O comes to Toronto to provide the soundtrack for a grimey holiday weekend dance party, including local support from BSMNT.


8th annual Canadian Sport Film Festival (May 20-22)

From Rio to Toronto and around the world,the 8th annual Canadian Sport Film Festival (CSFF) gives audiences an even closer look at the sports they love, the teams they follow and the social issues that often surround them. All happening at TIFF.

Punk Singer (May 19)

Take a rousing tour of music, feminism, pop culture and the riot grrl movement through the life and work of Kathleen Hanna, lead singer of the punk band Bikini Kill and dance-punk trio Le Tigre.

World Goth Day (May 21)

Celebrate this darkest of days with a screening of Interview with a Vampire.

Scream Queens: A League of their Own (May 22)

Mystery Science Theatre Drunk History Elvira x lots of booze. Get ready to experience movies like never before. Allysin Chaynes hosts.

Bollywood Classics (May 22)

Mughal-e-Azam screens at the Aga Khan Museum.


Boy Problems - A Carly Rae Jepsen queer dance party on Saturday, May 21. The most underrated album of last year gets the dancefloor attention it deserves with this one-off, west side dance party.

Regrettro (May 20)

La Rumba Buena (May 20)

Turn back time, '80s video dance party (May 20)

L!V!NG (May 21)

Balls deep disco (May 21)

A Britney Spears dance party (May 21)


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