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五月份赢得加拿大联邦保守党党领袖的安德鲁.希尔(Andrew Scheer)周四表示,如果右翼媒体The Rebel Media继续目前的采编立场,以后他将不再接受该媒体的访问。

The Rebel是个持右翼立场的媒体,是保守主义活动人士Ezra Levant创立的。

上周,佛吉尼亚的Charlottesville 的白人至上以及新纳粹等极右翼进行游行时,该媒体实地进行了报道,并在暴力冲突之后,发表倾向于极右翼的评论。




他说:”我们不是‘另类右翼(alt-right )’,这个词现在意味着种族主义,反犹主义,以及容忍新纳粹。“

在党领袖竞选期以及赢得党领选举之后,他曾经几次接受过The Rebel的采访。

曾参与保守党党领袖角逐的庄文浩也发表声明,不再接受The Rebel 的采访。

同时,The Rebel有三位编辑辞职。

在Charlotteville 暴力事件发生之后,Ezra Levant曾发声明,否定了“极右翼”的行为。


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网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。
  • @ 2017-08-19 16:38
    一直在看这个加拿大目前立场偏右的最有影响力的独立媒体的报道。它的很多报道是批评三级政府,尤其是联邦政府的官员的不当行为和政策,还有一些主流左棍媒体绝对不会报道的事情,例如混蛋特露多政府的丑闻,等等。所以那些左棍媒体和政客一直在试图打压攻击和污蔑这个全靠读者和观众捐款而生存和运营的独立媒体。左棍们嘴上喊着包容和自由,行动上却是要扼杀他们不喜欢的事和不同的声音。加拿大的媒体几乎是左棍的天下,但还是要掐掉仅有的一点点不同的声音。从来都是有左就有右。它是右翼媒体,报道很客观公正,不是什么这个份子,那个极端。左棍最擅长的事情之一就是给反对者扣帽子和贴标签。不理解Sheer 为什么要对Rebel Media保持距离。对他当选后的表现有些失望,对混蛋特露多的混蛋作为和政策批评不给力。做为保守党的领袖,应该坚定地捍卫保守党的理念。
  • @ 2017-08-19 18:06
    I made these comment after an online article about the leftists' attack on Rebel media and Sheer's timid response to it:

    My fear is even worse, it has become impossible to survive in the western political arena without being a progressive. That will soon be the case for ordinary people too. If you disagree with the progressives on anything, the leftists aren't even interested in debating you. They just label you Nazi, racist, and then shut you up, beat you up or lock you up. Make you lose jobs. Tear down historical monuments and statues. It's Chinese cultural revolution all over again. We are heading toward a dangerous path of becoming a totalitarian society, and fast.
  • @ 2017-08-19 18:14
    The leftists have no idea of the consequences and ramifications of what they are doing. Hate speech and racism need to be restricted, sounds noble. The problem is there is never a clear definition of what these are. When you leave to the governments to define those, you are in big trouble. If someone has concern about the high number of refugees, migrants we are accepting, is this racism? If someone has complaint about a mosque being built in the neighbourhood, or about his Muslim or black renters not paying rent on time, is this hatred? Soon they all will be. These exact things happened during China's cultural revolution, monuments, historical buildings were torn down, burned, freedom of speeches suppressed and eventually eliminated. The Red Guard (like Antifa today) shut up and beat up everybody who expressed an unauthorized view. Countless families were torn apart, lost jobs, thrown to jail simply because someone said something that were considered inappropriate or anti communist. The witch hunt against a few outspoken politicians became a witch hunt against everybody. The country was literally ruined and everybody kept silent and lived in fear. Step back from the edge of cliff, leftist warriors. You don't know what you are doing.
  • @ 2017-08-19 17:37
    本帖最后由 pick3 于 2017-8-19 17:41 编辑

    Sheer 基本站在中间往左靠,左棍无论如何是不会支持他,会失去保守派的支持、最终两边都不讨好