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第一起案子不久前已经宣判,温哥华名人、侨领黄世惠(Paul Se Hui Oei)涉嫌诈骗690万,据证监会的调查,黄世惠还涉及非法从中国转出大量资金。

黄世惠和他的妻子Loretta Lai

据当地媒体《温哥华太阳报》报道,来自中国大陆的蒋以诚(Jiang Yicheng,音译),是黄世惠涉嫌诈骗案的受害人之一。黄世惠曾对他表示,他们夫妻俩同BC省省府高级官员有联系。在其项目中投资超过100万加元,就能可获得加拿大永久居民身份。蒋听信了他,于是就投资了400万加元。

蒋表示,由于中国政府只允许每个公民每年携带5万美元的外汇出国,所以他必须用“地下渠道”(underground community channel)将这400万加元的巨款转移出来。这种转移资金的方式有很高的风险,所以他还支付了15%到25%的“黑市保险费”(black market insurance)。结果蒋以诚被骗了,钱没了,移民也没办成。

第二起案子就更加传奇,中国山东一家大型食品制造公司的总裁王洪洁(Hong Jie Wang,音译)在2011年遇到了随卑诗贸易代表团访问中国的老乡王永利(Yong Li Wang,音译),两个人是同乡,又同姓,随即聊起在卑诗购买物业的事,尽管是初次见面但很快达成一致,两个人共同出资购买卑诗一个5英亩的物业,该物业目前的估价是208.7万加元。





网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。
  • @ 2018-01-06 15:39
    本帖最后由 星洲炒米 于 2018-1-6 15:56 编辑


    小编为什么故意不把自由党几个字写出来?所有的消息来源都指的是自由党。何止是有联系,他将一千四百万从大陆脑残人骗的所谓投资换移民的钱都存入了Peschisolido and Co.的BC律师行,这律师行的老板就是自由党国会议员Joe Peschisolido.




    Jiang (Jiang Yicheng)’s legal filings say part of Oei’s alleged scheme was promoting his political connections.

    “(Oei) told me that he is taking care of a problem for Canada,” Jiang explained. “So the government provides some benefits as a thank you, (Oei) said. He guaranteed that we can immigrate, and it’s our main goal. That was his promise; the project would take care of our immigration for us.”

    Jiang said that when he met Oei in 2009, Oei and his wife presented an image of wealth and sophistication. Jiang recalled that Oei picked him up in a Bentley and drove him to a Richmond office. And Oei showed a What’s In magazine article featuring a picture of Premier Christy Clark presenting a B.C. Liberal award to Oei. The article — with information about two of Oei’s businesses named by the B.C. Security Commission in the case (Canadian Manu Immigration and Cascade Renewable) — also showed Oei and his wife Loretta Lai posing with Donald Trump. Oei is also pictured with Richmond MLA John Yap. Through his lawyer, Jiang provided the magazine clippings to Postmedia.

    “They mentioned their ties to government, very clearly. (Oei) mentioned the premier and high-level federal ministers have “very special” relations with him,” Jiang said. “He mentioned Christy Clark, and he mentioned some MPs, including Joe Peschisolido.”

    Oei and his wife have donated over $67,000 to the B.C. Liberals and they are active in Richmond political fundraising circles. Oei and Lai have donated $8,477 to the federal Liberals since 2014. In July 2015 Oei’s company Organic Eco-Centre Corp sponsored a pre-election luncheon in Richmond featuring Justin Trudeau. The company has been named in B.C. Securities Commission allegations against Oei. At the Richmond luncheon Oei introduced Trudeau and embraced him.

    In fall 2015 Chinese investors pressured Oei to return their money in the failed immigration-investment scheme, Jiang said. At that point, after Trudeau’s Liberals had won the federal election, Jiang said Oei sent the investors messages and photos on WeChat, of Oei “hugging Trudeau and all these celebratory photos.”

    “To me, the intention was obvious; it was to tell me to not mess with him in Canada,” Jiang said. “It was like, ‘Look at my relationship with the prime minister. We are like buddies. You are just a Chinese man without even an immigrant status in Canada; don’t dare come to Canada to cause trouble’.”

    Jiang said he met Peschisolido in connection to Oei’s investment scheme.

    “It was very important, because that’s where our money is going,” Jiang said. “So he had to meet us, especially with his background in law and government.” “(Oei) said they (Oei and Peschisolido) have been friends for many years, and that they’ve cooperated in investment and business ventures. (Oei) said: ‘Look at him being an MP and a big-name lawyer.’ It means, from a legal point of view, this project is very trustworthy. ‘You can suspect me, but you can’t suspect an MP, right?’ he told us.”

    Peschisolido was provided transcripts of Jiang’s statements to Postmedia and Jiang’s HSBC wire transfer documents. Peschisolido did not respond to multiple requests for comment sent to his MP email account and through his MP offices in Richmond and Ottawa.

  • @ 2018-01-06 17:15
    星洲炒米 发表于 2018-1-6 15:39


    小编为什么故意不把自由党几个字写出来?所 ...

  • @ 2018-01-06 20:06
  • @ 2018-01-07 11:43
  • @ 2018-01-06 22:44