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  3. 苹果等公司抗议川普:我们支持跨性别权利 /


谷歌、苹果和 Facebook 是 56 家主要公司,这些公司周四致函特朗普政府,反对将性别定义为基于出生时的生理行为。

该信表明,这些公司的集体收入超过 2.4 万亿美元,与变性人,性别不适者和双性人站在一起。

A group of 14 LGBTQ+ organizations organized the effort and did so in response to a New York Times report that the administration intends to redefine sex and in doing so erase transgender protections from existing laws.

14 个同性恋、双性恋和变性者组织做出了这一努力,并响应了《纽约时报》的一份报告,即行政当局打算重新定义性别,同时删除现行法律对变性者的保护。

根据拟议的修改,有 140 万美国人认为自己和出生性别不同,他们将失去联邦政府对他们的身份的承认。

"Recognizing that diversity and inclusion are good for business, and that discrimination imposes enormous productivity costs ( and exerts undue burdens ) , hundreds of companies, including the undersigned, have continued to expand inclusion for transgender people across corporate America," the letter reads. "Currently more than 80 percent of the Fortune 500 have clear gender identity protections; two-thirds have transgender-inclusive healthcare coverage; hundreds have LGBTQ+ and Allies business resource groups and internal training efforts."

信中写道:" 认识到多元化和包容性对企业有利,并且歧视造成巨大的生产成本(并带来不必要的负担),包括签名人在内的数百家公司继续包容全美国企业跨性别人士。" 目前,超过 80%的财富 500 强企业拥有明确的性别身份保护 ; 三分之二的人拥有跨性别医疗保险 ; 数百人拥有 LGBTQ + 和盟友商业资源团体以及内部培训工作。"


这封信还提到边缘化人群遭受暴力侵害的时代。2016 年,国家跨性别平等中心对 28,000 名变性人进行了一项调查显示,近一半人遭到口头或性生理的性侵犯。

" 跨性别人是我们心爱的家人和朋友,我们的团队成员," 信中写道," 伤害跨性别人就是伤害我们的公司。"


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