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联邦大选密市湖滨区保守党候选人Stella Ambler

2019联邦大选密市湖滨选区(Mississauga Lakeshore)保守党候选人Stella Ambler简要介绍:

2011年到2015年期间,Stella Ambler是密西沙加南部选区(Mississauga South)的国会议员。在这个职位上,她最为关注的问题包括:支持家庭,创建更安全的社区,建立强大的经济,帮助弱势群体,保护国内外的人权,以及保护环境。

在多伦多大学获得学士学位之后,Ambler为Mississauga-Lakeshore社区带来了30多年的志愿者服务,从政及政府工作经验。在省和联邦保守党均担任过重要职务,还曾担任前保守党政府联邦财政部长Jim Flaherty的GTA地区主任。


From 2011 to 2015, Stella served as the Member of Parliament for Mississauga South. In that role she had the opportunity to promote the issues that are closest to her: supporting families, creating safer communities, supporting tough-on-crime initiatives, building a strong economy, helping the vulnerable, protecting human rights at home and abroad, and protecting the environment.

On Parliament Hill, Stella was an active member of the Committees on Environment & Sustainable Development, Status of Women, and was Chair of the Special Committee on Violence Against Aboriginal Women. She was also a member of the Board of Internal Economy and Chair of the Canada-Italy Friendship Group.

Stella Ambler brings more than 30 years of experience in volunteering, politics, and government to the community of Mississauga-Lakeshore. After earning an Honours BSc degree from the University of Toronto, she served in key roles at Queen’s Park and with the provincial and federal Conservatives. She also worked as GTA Director for federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.

As a stay-at-home mother for nine years, Stella remained active in her community through volunteering and political organizing.

In 2017, Stella joined Earnscliffe Strategy Group, a top Canadian government relations and communications firm. She is a regular commentator on CTV’s Power Play, Newstalk 1010 radio, CP24 news television and other Canadian media outlets. Stella and her husband Richard have two adult children and live in the Lorne Park area of Mississauga.

Mississauga-Lakeshore Candidate 2019

Conservative Party of Canada

[email protected]



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  • @ 2019-09-03 22:44