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联邦大选多伦多中区保守党候选人Ryan Lester

2019联邦大选多伦多中区(Toronto Centre)保守党候选人Ryan Lester简要介绍:


本次大选Lester针对的目标明确,他在选区的直接竞争对手是自由党现任财长莫奈(Bill Morneau),但在保守党领袖熙尔带领下,Lester信心十足,相信能够击败莫奈,不仅实现保守党的经济目标,而且保护所有加拿大的权利和平等。


Meet Toronto Centre Candidate Ryan Lester

Ryan is running to defeat Bill Morneau and believes that the Conservative Government led by Andrew Scheer will deliver financial responsibility while protecting the rights and equality of everyone who calls Canada home.

“You deserve a federal government that is responsible with your money, protects our environment, improves community safety, and works to reduce barriers so that all Canadians can achieve their full potential” said Toronto Centre Conservative Candidate Ryan Lester.

Ryan has lived in riding of Toronto Centre for more than a decade. A local volunteer and longtime advocate, he has a reputation for getting results – for setting goals and working hard to meet them.

His work in the non-profit and charitable sector has made a difference in Toronto Centre. He was a member of the bid team that brought World Pride to Toronto in 2014 and was a director at Egale Canada Human Rights Trust where he led the team that raised $15 million to build an emergency and transitional housing facility in Toronto Centre for homeless youth.

Ryan is passionate about mental health and addiction and he strongly believes in the human rights and equality of all Canadians. In 2016, Ryan proudly represented Canadian Civil Society at the Organization of American States (OAS) as a panelist on Advancing a Commitment to Address Victims of Trafficking in Persons.

In 2018, Ryan was a candidate in the Toronto Municipal Election for Ward 13 Toronto Centre. He put forward a platform that focused on building a safer city, housing affordability, reducing congestion, and investing in new transit infrastructure.

Concerned by deteriorating public safety and the sharp rise in personal and property crimes related to guns, gangs, and drug trafficking, Ryan said, “I see what’s been happening on our streets every day and I will take action to improve safety in our community.”

Today, Ryan continues to work with non-profit and charitable organizations so they can increase their capacity to provide services, raise awareness, and improve the lives of people living in Toronto Centre.

He is an alumnus of Ryerson University’s Public Administration & Governance program and wants to bring together everyone who believes in a balance between fiscal responsibility, progressive social policy, and individual rights and responsibilities.

As a community leader, Ryan has focused his volunteer work on reducing new HIV infections in Toronto and promoting the independence, dignity, health and well-being of people living with HIV and AIDS. He served as Treasurer of the board of directors at the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) and worked hard to stabilize the organization’s finances so it could continue to meet the needs of people in the community.

Ryan is excited to be the Conservative candidate for the riding of Toronto Centre in the upcoming federal election and looks forward to building an inclusive, safe, and prosperous future for Toronto Centre and Canada.


Visit www.ryanlester.ca to donate to his campaign to defeat Bill Morneau






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