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  3. 房东须知:如何合法驱逐不缴租的房客 /


(本网编译) 从数据上来看,绝大多数安省的租客是很讲道理的人,拖欠房租的现象并不严重。据有关部门的调查,安省的租客总数达到130万,其中有95%能够按时交房租,而所有欠租的问题都是由剩下的5%造成。

正是由于这些人,安省出租房供应者联会(Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario)一直要求省府方面收紧出租规定、更维护房东的权益。


本地律师韦斯列德(Mark Weisleder)表示,虽然本省目前的房东和租客条例有瑕疵,但是仍然做到了能够在房东和租客之间维持一定的平衡。既让房东能够合法驱逐不缴房租的租客,又给了租客足够的机会和时间缴租欠款,让他们不至于由于一时的资金紧张而落到无家可归的地步。



1.如果租客没有按时缴租,房东一般会等候15天,然后给他一张终止租约的通知。在安省,这个通知的官方名称叫N4表格(Form N4)。从理论上来说,房东也可以在缴租日过去后立刻给租客发通知。N4表格可以去“房东及租客管理委员会”(The Landlord and Tenant Board)的官方网站上下载(点击进入下载页面)。




4.如果11天后仍然没有缴付欠款,而且也没有搬走,房东不可以自己强制驱逐,而必须将委员会的判决令申报法院执行局(Court Enforcement Office),并由法警(county Sherriff)来执行具体的强制驱逐工作。一般说来,从申报法警到他们正式来实施驱逐需要三到四个星期的时间,平均费用为400元。





网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明 51.CA 立场。
  • @ 2011-03-20 12:44
    本帖最后由 XPD 于 2011-3-20 16:11 编辑

    Ontario law is not fair to the landlords. No other business is required to provide goods or services without payment, yet landlords must by law allow tenants to remain in their apartments for months, the law allow tenants to
    deliberately abuse the system. Tenants knows how to take advantage of the system and live for free.
  • @ 2011-03-20 15:11
    本帖最后由 XPD 于 2011-3-21 11:57 编辑
    If tenant don't pay rent, I tell them giving them 3 days to pay, after 3 days your last month rent will be automatically be placed for current month's rent,  when last day of the month comes, I will Packed their stuff and put them out side and change the lock and that's it.
    kimber 发表于 2011-3-20 15:41

    Yes, it is tough landlord's way to counter the unfair system. But you must be strong enough to move their stuff and if they preventing you to do so, there might be a fight, if police is called, they would not allow you to do that. Furthermore, the tenant can go to landlord tenant board to sue for damages, even if they already moved out, the landlord can lose big.
  • @ 2011-03-20 15:21
    If tenant don't pay rent, I tell them giving them 3 days to pay, after 3 days your last month rent will be automatically be placed for current month's rent,  when last day of the month comes, I will Packed their stuff and put them out side and change the lock and that's it.
    kimber 发表于 2011-3-20 15:41

        You are lucky the tenant didn't sue for damages.
  • @ 2011-03-20 16:49
    You are lucky the tenant didn't sue for damages.
    XPD 发表于 2011-3-20 16:21

    Trust me, nobody cares. No one gives a damn.
  • @ 2011-03-20 17:42
    本帖最后由 XPD 于 2011-3-21 16:28 编辑

    [quote]Trust me, nobody cares. No one gives a damn.
    filteristic 发表于 2011-3-20 17:49

    It is money that matters. A lockout is a crime, regardless the rent is paid or not. it is called "entry and detainer". if the tenant sue you, the damages could be up to 5,000.00 dollars, their winning rate is almost 100% in this kind of cases, all he need is a rent receipt from you or a letter of that address. if you don't pay, they can put a lien on your house. the tenant have nothing to lose, they can even get legal aid lawyer go to court against you. It is not wise that landlord take the law in their own hand.
    the only thing landlord can do right now is go to the MP, complain about the unfair law, hopefully they will change the law some day. Throughout Canada Only in Ontario law is pro tenant, unfair to landlord.
  • @ 2011-03-20 20:25