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伊顿中心发生枪击案: 多伦多不再安全?

6月2月(星期六)多伦多人流集中的地标Eaton Centre伊顿中心,加拿大最著名的商场发生枪击案,1死6伤,引起国际传媒关注,新闻价值高,当然值得高度重视:The public nature of this shooting, and the innocents who were hurt, make it legitimately newsworthy。
但是, 几份英文主流大报的某些报导手法和评论,有否渲染夸张?危言耸听?也引起某些新闻从业员议论纷纷。

6月3日(星期日),Toronto Star《多伦多星报》专栏作家Catherine Porter的文章,放在头版,标题是:Who does not feel life’s peach-skin fragility today? 强调谁人不感受珍贵生命的脆弱?人之常情,但是,内文中用字遣词,便受到National Post《国家邮报》的行家Christie Blatchford非议,资深的法庭记者大姐大,对她亳不客气,不赞成她这段话:

Bang, a life is gone, and so is our innocence.
Assuming cities have innocence, which is a hell of an assumption, and can be essentially deflowered of it, they, like virgins, get to lose it only the once.

其实,早在35年前:1977年7月28日,一个12岁男童,同样在Yonge Street央街被3名歹徒勒死和淹死,以及2005年,15岁女童Jane Creba,圣诞节礼品日,在伊顿中心不远的公众地方遇害惨死,同样轰动全城,令人震惊。但是,多伦多的治安,没有沉沦,从此一落千丈。

星期天, The Toronto Sun《太阳报》另一位资深记者Joe Warmington有专栏文章这样开头:Gutless and pure evil.他接着说:
This is a dangerous city. And those who try to spin it are not facing the bloody truth.
记者指谪其它温和理性传媒评论员的解读,批评他们不正视血淋淋的现实,而且他实时强烈遣责警方失职: The warning signs have been there when it comes to shootings .配合标题所指:We should have seen this coming:警方未有预知命案发生的能力,趁早防范。他又说这个不安全的夏天,可能重蹈2005年的覆辙,人人自危,成为犯罪份子袭击的对象:Toronto is on the same target path as the summer of 2005. And if the trend continues, there are going to be a lot more people shot.

There are dozens of killers loose, and even more shooters on the streets of Toronto and, who knows, one day you could be in the food court in the Eaton Centre。
他越说越愤怒:There is a war in this city .A deadly war. 整个城市如临大敌,风声鹤唳。他警告很多枪手不会理会仇家以外人身的安全:Saturday showed that there are shooters who don’t give a damn about collateral damage, 随时伤及无辜。

6月4日(星期一)《多伦多星报》头板,罕有地以巨型字体刊出两个标题大字:WANTED: ANSWERS,也被Christie Blatchford形容为:front page in world-is-ending-size type,容易给读者感到impending apocalypse:治安己濒临毁灭边缘,顿时末世将即降临。大字标题其上,更冠以血红色副题,遣责警方不公布疑犯身份:Police withheld information on suspect who killed 1, wound 6 in Eaton Centre shooting spree。当然,shooting spree是英文报章最惯用的搭配habitual collocation,通常指一连串一阵子的杀戮,例如killing spree等犯罪活动。

6月5日(星期二),长期报导多伦多市情的《星报》记者Royson James,反而既关心,又持平。他在专栏说:Angst is not the answer ,awareness of the reality is: 焦虑无济于事,认清现实,暸解真相才是最好的答案: Bad things happen downtown and uptown. There are gangs out there. Their members don’t live by our codes. 幫派犯罪份子不会按市民大众的常理和准则行事。他甚至说:Toronto is not a dangerous place — even if I’m hit by a stray bullet:就算本人误中流弹被打死,也不会妄下多伦多不再是安全地方的结论。

其实,市民的反应,跟新闻界的报导和评论一样,未有案情细节披露前,不知是两帮帮派仇杀,或者只是涉及犯罪份子个别的行为,很容易流于过早妄下结论,本能反应reflex action,一方面overreact反应过激或过火,于是认为多伦多不再安全:Toronto is a dangerous place. Do something now before we sink into oblivion, 警方不实时采用特殊手法,政府不修改法例,法官不杀无赦,城市便会毁于一旦。另外,我们也不宜under react by saying:this is just another isolated incident;ignore it and go about our lives,人人掉以轻心,不着紧正视治安问题的严重性和症结所在。例如:警方要严防被软禁under house arrest的积犯离家犯事,不宜漠视今年100宗持枪罪犯的惊人数字,比去年上升45%等迹象。



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