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  3. 美最大度假屋卖不掉 50个房间 自带岛屿 /

美最大度假屋卖不掉 含50个房间 自带岛屿森林

在美国密歇根马奎特北部的苏必利尔湖湖畔坐落着一间名为Granot Loma的木屋,它是全美最大的度假木屋,里面共有50个房屋,周围还环绕着5000英亩的森林,总面积达415英亩。


据悉,Granot Loma木屋是1923年一位名叫Louis G. Kaufman的金融家建造并命名的,期间花了四年的时间,从1919年跨越到1923年。现任主人为伯德温(Tom Baldwin)。

Granot Loma木屋自带一个私人岛屿,并有自己专属的超过一英里长的苏必利尔湖岸线。木屋共有23个卧室和13个浴室,有50个房间。

Roughly a year after being put on the market for sale in Michigan, the price for the world's largest log cabin (above) has been dramatically slashed from $40 million to $19.5 million

Owner Tom Baldwin significantly cut the price for the log cabin, called Granot Loma, as only 415 acres of land will now come with it instead of the 5,000 acres he initially planned to sell with the higher price tag for the Lake Superior shoreline property

The massive property, which boasts 23 bedrooms among the 50 rooms inside of it was built in 1923. Located on the Michigan shores of Lake Superior, it also features a stunning bar where visitors can drink and unwind

Granot Loma was built in 1923 from Oregon pine and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Pictured is one of the dozens of bedrooms that fill the sprawling estate

Baldwin, who is a Chicago bond trader, purchased the massive property 29 years ago and restored it completely to its original splendor. Above is one of the dozens of bedrooms inside the home

The massive property also boasts 13 bathrooms, as the one above features a vanity, bath and shower while having an animal skin rug and walls using a unique stone design

From 1919 to 1923, more than 400 Scandinavian builders worked to complete the large estate (above), which cost around $5 million at the time - ($70m in today's money)

The builders wrapped the logs around a steel super-structure that was embedded in a six-foot thick cement foundation to complete the home (above), which was built by Chicago financier Louis Graveraet Kaufman

The lodge was built in the tradition of the Great Adirondack lodges and may be the largest log cabin lodge in the nation. Pictured above is a dining area for guests inside one of the dozens of rooms inside the home

Pictured is one of the log cabin's stunning dining room, which features two tables that can seat at least 20 people

Incredibly, the log cabin also boats four miles of lakefront and its own marina (pictured), where guests can dock their boats

The log cabin's grand living room contains a dazzling array of stuffed animals that includes bears, deer, wolves and more

This sitting room contains fewer animal heads but retains its authentic interior design that uses Oregon Pine

One of the cabin's many beds is also constructed out of the pine wood used to build the sprawling complex

Stuffed bears and wild cats and dogs fill one of the cabin's sitting rooms, which also contains a stunning fireplace

A jukebox sits beside an old Native American painting that decorates the wall of the log cabin's bar room

The complex's games room boasts several pianos, a pool table and even more stuffed animals

A dining table is positioned to look out across Lake Superior, where the log cabin holds beautiful views of the lakefront

Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America, and is bordered by Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota

The log cabin's kitchen (pictured) is vast and was remodeled to replicate one of the kitchens inside the White House in Washington, D.C.


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